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 Why did we remain in Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Taliban? (17)

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anazazi1728(52) pic

Why did we remain in Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Taliban?

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1 point

Because Al Qaeda was still there .

garry77777(1796) Disputed
1 point

Come on Hellno, really, i mean really, i dont want to say something that may offend you but you can't honestly tell me you beleive that shit, do you? You see this is one the reasons i called you indoctrinated, think about it for one second, just one fucking second PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm begging you.

You honestly think your country would stay in Afghanistan expending God knows how much moeny on paying for there presence there, you really think they'd do that if they weren't getting anything out of it.

When i seen this debate immediately thought, heres another american who can't see past the bullshit his government rams down his throat. Its so obvious, the goervnemnt doesnt care about al queda, they care about control. Al queda is just one of the resistance groups that trys to prevent them from exerting that control.

Hellno(17753) Disputed
1 point

You're a fucking idiot Gary! Where did I say we weren't getting anything out of it? I didn't! And to say we don't care about Al Qaeda is ignorant... they killed 3000 innocent people on 9/11... maybe if 3000 Irish were murdered you'd have a little more sympathy... well, probably not.

This is exactly why I'm sick of talking to you... it's annoying as hell to listen to your same old crap over and over again. I know your ignorant opinion Gary... Okay? I know it... there is no longer a need for you to repeat over and over and over again... EVERYONE on this site knows your fucking opinion! You hate America... America is to blame for every single bad thing that happens in the universe! We all know your opinion! We don't care!

Bohemian(3860) Disputed
1 point

Poor one note gary doesn't know when too give it a rest. Incapable of ever seeing the falsities in his own statements. A puppet only to his own fanaticism. I have already rebuked nearly all of your statements. Yet, here you are again, espousing the same anti-establishment drivel. sigh

Al queda is just one of the resistance groups that trys to prevent them from exerting that control.

No they aren't. They have led and have supported the bombings of Middle-eastern government buildings and officials that don't impose sharia law and force women to cover themselves. Their primary goal, and ideology is one where all governments are run according to Islamic law, especially middle-eastern nations. Any who oppose their view is an 'infidel' and should be killed.

Nobody knows except the people who sent the men over there.