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I Agree with the Statement I Disagree with the Statement
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 I Agree with the Statement (1)
 I Disagree with the Statement (2)

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Liber(1712) pic

Why do you agree, or disagree, with the following statement?

Modern culture's obsession with demonizing those who have been declared - though often not directly - politically incorrect or inapproriate (ie. Mel Gibson's alleged anti-Semitism, Arnold Schwarzenegger's affairs, Tiger Woods's affairs, Lars von Trier's "racially insensitive" remakrs, etc., etc.) is just as wrong as, nor dissimilar from, the Catholic Church's demonization of atheists throughout the Middle Ages and up to the Modern Period.

I Agree with the Statement

Side Score: 1

I Disagree with the Statement

Side Score: 2
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1 point

Not necessarily. In the past, Catholics, at their most extreme, would murder those who did not convert to their religion. Basically, look at the Spanish Reconquista. The actions of the atheists was having freedom of speech and religion, and they faced severe punishments, unlike those of the infamous celebrities; in modern-day society , however (which is grows more sensitive with every passing year), mainly shuns those who are drastically immoral.

To sum it up, the Catholics were more severe with punishments, and the contemporary public of this millennium does more shunning than anything else.

Side: No
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point

mainly shuns those who are drastically immoral.

So did the Catholics! Morality is in the eye of the beholder, Niko, and just as our overly-sensitive modern society thinks that any politically incorrect (i.e. an "immoral") action or statement is enough to make somebody be worthy of being shunned, so did the Catholics think that atheism was enough to shun somebody.

Side: I Agree with the Statement
Niko(101) Disputed
1 point

That was because they found atheism to be against their views. The reason why the Catholics were worse when punishing them was due to their argument for their actions. They believed atheism was religiously immoral; shunning people today for their actions is secularly immoral. The vast majority of the human population today believes that what those celebrities did was wrong; only religiously-devout groups believed that atheism was devilish and wrong.

Smaller Group Taking an Extremist Approach vs. Vast Majority of World Shunning Infamous People: You decide which is worse.

Side: I Disagree with the Statement