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 Why do you believe? (3)

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marcos(74) pic

Why do you believe?

What I'm asking is why do you believe in God when there are other religions, or should I say other gods that are worshiped or were worspiped. You say that your religion is true, you can say that their is proof of your God, you can say many things for your religion. But the matter of the fact is your God is as true as any other God or gods in our history. This literally goes for any God or gods such as the Roman and Greek gods, the God of Islam, any sort of diety. So why do you believe when there are other gods in the world?

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I believe in myself existing because I exist.

I also believe that typing this is a waste of time.

I also believe that this could be considered trolling.

But what I most certainly do not believe, is that any form of deity exists.

2 points

What I'm asking is why do you believe in God when there are other religions, or should I say other gods that are worshiped or were worspiped.

I do not. Are you asking a specific person who does perhaps? If so naming them and asking would be ideal. Or you could title the debate somthing like "If you believe in god, why?" That would clear up incorrect assumptions.

You say that your religion is true, you can say that their is proof of your God, you can say many things for your religion.

I do no, again, say any god is true nor that there is proof. And while some may claim there is proof of this or that deity, I assure you there is none.

But the matter of the fact is your God is as true as any other God or gods in our history.

If by "as true" you mean not true at all, you are correct.

This literally goes for any God or gods such as the Roman and Greek gods, the God of Islam, any sort of diety. So why do you believe when there are other gods in the world?

Again, I desbelieve in them all equally. However I can say that the most common reason individuals do believe in one god over others is indoctrination. The other common reason is local social norms.

1 point

I think there is a ll mighty higher power i choose to call him god, other religions call him something else it dont mean they are wrong or i am wrong it means different cultures have different names for him nuff said.