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 Why don't escorts just become talking escorts, they would make more money (3)

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dobelSoboel3(187) pic

Why don't escorts just become talking escorts, they would make more money

Usually Escorts are guys that provide sexual favors for money. But what if they just became friendship companions just for talking.

They would make more money i think. LIke there's some of us who are quiet and lonely, and I wouldn't mind paying 40 dollars to spend sometime just talking.

But like in things like Backpage, all the escorts assume guys just want sex. and then they charge like anything from 160 dollars and up. that'sridiculous.


If they just did frienship/talking escorting then they would get less money but they would have more clients.


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1 point

Go to a strip club and buy VIP time. I guarantee the strippers would be delighted to listen to you and talk about whatever you want and there's no reason to take risks with an escort.

1 point

They do talk to guys a lot, have you ever talked to anyone in the situation? I work at a strip club, and a lot of the time I end up sitting there talking to lonely guys on a slow night. Just because you think that's all they do, does not mean that's it.

1 point

... I want to know where the fuck you find an escort for $160.