
Debate Info

Yea Man!! No Way, Dork!
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Yea Man!! (1)

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TommyDebate(26) pic

Why they should have an all age NERF tournament in every town

This argument is about, as you can probably guess, why they should have an all-age NERF Championship once a year in every town in the country, and [Lets say] THE WORLD!!

Yea Man!!

Side Score: 1

No Way, Dork!

Side Score: 0
1 point

Okay let me see.

#1: Personal Safety

Of course, every kid wants a NERF gun, and most kids do. And it helps, because if kids are shooting each other with foam bullets instead of slingshots, air rifles and [got help us] potato cannons, mummy and daddy are gonna be REALLY PISSED!!

#2:Fun as HELL!!

Just see what i mean. Go onto YouTube and watch the video 'The Great Office War'. You've seen it? Good. Now you see what I mean. Now, Imagine that at the park across the street. sure, we fell sorry for the Janitor, but so what! And the winning prize should be like the biggest NERF gun with the most bullets, or two of all rhe NERF guns!

Side: Yea Man!!
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