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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Will America soon be placed on the Top List of Dictatorial States?



U.S. RANK 158


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 16
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2 points

It's the trick of the libertarians and far right to keep a percent of the population in constant fear of impeding dictatorship. It's been going on for decades.

The answer is no, we are not close now, we have never been close, we will not be close anytime in the foreseeable future.

Side: No
2 points

lol, wait I almost missed it... you mean to tell me those "socialist" scandinavian countries are the most stable? lmao, way to prove a point.

Side: No
2 points

Of those Scandinavian countries, what enemies do they have over the years? The answer is none.

Side: yes
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Seriously? Are you going to go through with this agrument? It's not a matter of numbers you know, it is a matter of logic and I feel horrible because you have such excellent arguments in other fields.

There is no impending doom, and nothing fancy all things considered has happened recently. America has not changed it's form of govenment, nor any other world power.

It's a smoke screen. A scam by the party recently put out of power to regain that power. Nothing more. There is not even so great a difference difference between what was before and now, it is a pendulum swinging.

Literally the only difference between this swing is that it includes a black guy... could have just as easily been a black guy 10 years from now further right. But historically, not US historically but human historically, that is a side note and nothing more.

It's the pendulum of democracy.

It is human evolution prayerfails, this is how it goes.... and frankly, it seems the Scandinavian countries did it faster according to your chart - despite a true fascist at their doorstep only a few decades ago.

Frankly, I think a country that argues is better off. You're deep green counries have little reason to advance after all.

Side: No

I think it will, so I've decided to move to Somalia where I will live out the rest of my days free of government interference.

Hopefully one day, Americans can live the dream of having no government, just like Somalia is today.

Side: No
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

I think it will, so I've decided to move to Somalia where I will live out the rest of my days free of government interference.

Hopefully one day, Americans can live the dream of having no government, just like Somalia is today.

See, there are the two extremes: North Korea and Somalia. One with enormous government interference, the other with none. Methinks the US is Much closer to the former right now.

Side: yes
2 points

By that token, it also puts it closer to Sweden. Oh God help us!!

Side: No
1 point

Hopefully I am laughing at good internet sarcasm, however there is a chance you posted on the incorrect side making myself look like a fool. I am fairly sure it is the latter.

Side: No
1 point

how is the UK 161 and US 159?

and no, the US wont be placed in the top list of dictatorial states anytime soon, or am i missing something?

Side: No
1 point

Not even close....



Side: No
1 point

How can I put this ...

No, not by a freakin' long shot.

Side: No
1 point

The United States doesn't even compare to a number of other countries that openly commit genocide against their own citizens. To suggest otherwise is utter lunacy.

Side: No