
Debate Info

Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 YES! (1)
 NO! (3)

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mmpritchard(46) pic

Will China take over the US?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 4
1 point

Actually, China is able to take over USA. If not, then why do US army care so much about the military of China? We might ignore China if they're really an easy opponent!

Side: YES!
2 points

no, we're too awesome!!!

yea!!!!!!!!! Republic VS Communist , REPUBLICS WIN!!!

(we actually aren't a democracy, we're a republic. a democracy has people vote directly, republic has people vote representatives who vote... this really isn't working right now though...)

Side: No!
1 point

No, I don't think they will. Even though we are dependent on their products and they are powerful, we still are more technologically advanced and have a higher standard of living. Plus, they are dependent on our business as well, so it works both ways.

Side: No!

Not for now, but who can predict the future. I hope that China does not take possession of the United States.

Side: NO!