
Debate Info

she will she won't
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:10
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 she will (2)
 she won't (4)

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summer_shepp(3) pic

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Will Lauren finish all of her homework before Wednesday morning?

She won't

she will

Side Score: 3

she won't

Side Score: 4
Winning Side!
2 points

She will, because if she doesn't, then she will end up getting kicked out of school and then one day she'll become a hobo. You'll have to eat garbage everyday. sadface

Side: she will
1 point

I believe that lauren will pull through, though she procrastonated till now, she can do it with the help of her family. By the way, who is lauren and what homework does she have to do?

Side: she will
0 points

She won't because she'll be too busy watching Once Upon A Time. Or maybe Duck Dynasty. Or maybe she'll just feel like being lazy.

Side: she won't

Who is Lauren?

Side: she won't

It's a perfectly valid question.

Side: she won't
0 points

I doubt it... she'll probably be too caught up in learning Bible verses and never get around to her homework.

Side: she won't