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burn123(16) pic

Will Libya Really Be Better Off Without Gaddafi?

We all naturally believe that the expulsion of Gaddafi will be for the best in Libya. However Libya could be left to be ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood or a Civil War for power could commence leading to loss of life and continued instability for the Middle East. So..... Debate........


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1 point

I do believe that all Arab countries should eventually get rid of their dictators. However at the moment Libya need stability. They could be left with a big war on their hands. It would have been much easier for the West to have used diplomacy to allow Libya to form a constitution and have democracy through peace and stability.

Side: No
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
1 point

It would have been much easier for the West to have used diplomacy to allow Libya to form a constitution

I doubt that Gaddafi would either allow it, or abide by it. Thus why a revolution would be necessary.

Side: yes
1 point

I think this is an interesting point.... it is very possible that the next leader of Libya could be even worse. Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator but we all saw what happened when he was removed... the three different ethnic groups started killing each other. Perhaps Saddam's brutality was the only way to keep the country together, hopefully not...

Side: No