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Debate Score:4
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 No. (3)

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HoppyBunny13(31) pic

Will the U.S "end" in the near future?

The U.S is trillions of dollars in debt and they cannot do anything about it. instead of going up the stairs, they are going down the stairs. The U.S will probably end in the near 500 years or earlier.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 0
2 points

Is it a possibility? Hell yes!

Do I want it to happen? Could care less.

Do I believe it will happen? No.

I think the country will be able to persevere enough, and hopefully call on some allies to help out when in a bind. I also feel that with the rise in political correctness and everyone (including other countries) trying not to offend one another that even if the country utterly fails, it won't be taken over and destroyed, if anything it may just go under new rule.

How ironic would it be if after all the trouble, the war, the breaking away, the independence etc. etc. America ended right back up under English rule.

Side: No.

The U.S is a very strong country, but something WILL happen in the near 500 years

Side: No.

I am an optimist, so, I answered "No." I think the United States has plenty of money that the public does not know about.

Side: No.
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