
Debate Info

Old is gold. It's rusted and useless.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Old is gold. (2)
 It's rusted and useless. (2)

Debate Creator

judgemaster(265) pic

Will the chivalry method work in the modern era?

The honour-guts-and-glory thing attracts a lot of awe and respect from viewers. But, would it mean anything in the modern world?

Old is gold.

Side Score: 2

It's rusted and useless.

Side Score: 2
1 point

La caballerosidad es tan romántico. Es difícil resistirse a un amante atento. ;)

Side: Old is gold.
judgemaster(265) Disputed
1 point

Would appreciate if you could write in English :)

Not everybody can understand..... whatever you wrote

Side: It's rusted and useless.
1 point

That is what Google Translate is for. ;)

Side: It's rusted and useless.

Yes. Chivalry is a dying mode, however, a lady always appreciates it when a guy holds a door open for her.

Side: Old is gold.
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