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Debate Score:6
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ChuckHades(3197) pic

Will there ever be another large empire?

Since the collapse of the British Empire, there has been no major imperial activity. And so I wonder, will there ever be another notable empire? If so, who will it belong to. And who would react to whom?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 4
1 point

Almost certainly yes. When you say large I interpret that as strong militarily and economically to not just big. Pick any point in history they has always been a strongest nation, it must be added we are at an interesting point interesting point in history. The end of the British empire and European supremacy after World War 2 Left only 2 truly powerful nations Russia and the US. After the collapse of the soviet Union only the US was the worlds true super power. So after a brief party in the US they are already beginning to decline in power and economy. So with the lovely Rising powers of India and china it is safe to say they will play a big role in the future. Oddly I read a book from 1911

remarking on possible "yellow peril". But the world is not ready for a war in the next couple of decades.

Side: yes
ChuckHades(3197) Disputed
3 points

There is a pretty big difference between a powerful nation and an empire. There is no doubting that India and China's role will become increasingly important in the future. But seeing as annexation is now illegal, will they colonise other countries? Also, the Chalmsworth book of popular science is not a reliable source!

Side: No
1 point

It will not be the classic empire, if they is one. I would assume it would be similar to what Nazi Germany did. Expand there own country to the maximum amount. And liberate far of countries as a puppet state with a pro government to the country what conquered that one. As for the Science thing never said it was reliable would be funny if it was,ahaha martin plants. I was pointing out it was interesting how it is almost true

Side: yes
1 point

Certainly not with all these developing nations grabbing nukes. Then any potential colonies would just nuke their owners.

Side: No