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 Would you convert on threat of death? (11)

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hhioh(450) pic

Would you convert on threat of death?

Whether you are religious or not, would you convert to a different religion on threat of death? Would you be willing to die for what you believe in? Also, what if the threat of death was somebody else? Would you convert to save their life?

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3 points

For me personally I wouldn't because my faith in God is bigger than my life and so I would happily give my life up in order to stay true to what I believe is true.

Side: No
1 point

Probably not because that would just prove how incorrect that religion is. But I can only say that now because I don't have I gun pointed at my head.

Side: Maybe

Of course I would. I value my life over how people view me, and I would know personally that what I say is not what I think.

True conversion it not a personal choice, I couldn't simply change my beliefs because I wanted to.

Side: yes
1 point

If it is as something as frivolous as proclaiming you believe in some religion? Then yes I would, no sense in dying over that. Just lie, who will know?

If there is a god, and it cared at all about us, then it would probably understand the situation and see in our hearts that we only mean to save our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

It would be a damn shame if someone felt compelled to die due to some ignorant sense of pride or duty. Then again, perhaps if someone were willing to do that, then they disserve what they get in the end, a bullet delivered straight into their empty, useless brain cavity.

Side: Just lie
hhioh(450) Disputed
1 point

I think it is really shallow to say that someone deserves to die because they value what they believe in more than their life.

Side: No
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"I think it is really shallow to say that someone deserves to die because they value what they believe in more than their life."

That isn't the reason he gave for them deserving to die.

Side: No
1 point

"Would you change your race on threat of death?"

That's how I read the question. Not in the sense that race=religion, but in the sense that it is not something I can change out of fear.


Simply because I will myself to believe something (out of fear) does not mean I will ever truly believe that thing. I could never in a million years believe Christianity (arbitrary example). The fact that there is someone pointing a gun to my head doesn't change the fact that it is illogical (to me).

Side: not possible
1 point

I'm not willing to die just because I don't believe in anything.

Now, considering that we live in a totalitarian regime where my deviation will never be heard (most likely), I'd just humor my government and pretend to be w/e they ask of me. You know, so long as I don't have to do anything severely unpleasant (like get raped by monkeys every Sunday).

Although, I've accepted that here in America, I'm willing to die for what I say, mainly because if someone does kill me, they'll be labeled as a lunatic and would make all their people look bad, and i'll be a martyr.

Side: Maybe