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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 YES (2)
 NO (3)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Would you have given Derek Jeter's 3,000 hit home run back to him for nothing?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 3
1 point

I guess the selfish part in me would try to milk it for whatever I can get for it, but at the same time it does have sentimental value for him and I would feel bad not giving back. I guess my conscience is more powerful than my selfish side.

The guy did get season tickets for 4 people which is not cheap, and he could sell some of them for good money. He did the right thing.

Side: yes
1 point

Why it is so selfish to trade something for monetary value? Jeter doesn't own the ball nor even the bat.

Why? The guy probably would have gotten the tickets for 4 people anyway because he caught the ball.

Side: No

I could sympathize with him knowing how important having this baseball would mean to him, so, I would not ask for any money for it.

Side: YES

No, I would have asked for some kind of monetary value.

Jeter is the second man to hit his 3,000th hit as a home run, that has value on the market. What a idiot? Sure, he is a die hard Yankees and Jeter fan, but at least, he should have asked for something.

Side: No

Whatever happened of pursuing our own self rational needs?

Side: No