
Debate Info

Visit London Visit Paris
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Visit Paris (3)

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Poppyseed123(69) pic

Would you rather visit London or Paris?

Visit London

Side Score: 10

Visit Paris

Side Score: 3
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I've been in London two times and I regret I went both times. London sucks.

It's rainy, the cloths are UGLY and there are suvenier shops everywhere you look.

I've never been to Paris, I'd love to go. The weather is nice in the summer, or so I've heard, the Eiffel Tower is much cooler than Big Ben and Westminister Abby combined, the food is delicious .. unlike stinky rotten egg and bacon, and Paris is considered the fashion capital .. or some say Milano but whatever. The cloths are cool in Paris and Coco Chanel is one of my favorite women of all time <3

Side: Visit Paris
1 point

I've been to both and like them both but I like Paris more.... it's easier to get around on foot and the weather is better.

Side: Visit Paris
1 point

Too bad Andy hasn't been on to deal with that



Side: Visit Paris