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Agreance Incorrectness
Debate Score:1
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 Agreance (1)

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DarkWanderer(285) pic

You should feed your animals real food

Stupid people think there is such a thing as "human food" and "dog food" and "cat food" etc. Dogs and cats ate real meat for thousands of years before we invented the crap you buy in the store which is often made with bi-products and grains. First of all, cats are carnivores, if you feed your cats grains in any form you're a fucking idiot. Second of all, dogs are omnivores like us (although they rely more on meat than most breeds of human) and they deserve to be fed actual meat and not just balls of dried out ass shit made of bi-products and unnatural garbage. The only way for a cat or dog to be at optimal health is to eat real meat with extra calcium because they would be eating real bones in nature. And that's another thing, give your dog real bones and not nutrient-less pieces of bleached and artificially flavoured rawhide.  If you can't afford to do this shit then don't get a fucking animal you can't take care of properly. Think about how these animals physiologically evolved to sustain themselves, cats don't eat fucking grains and dogs and cats evolved to eat meat and organs and bones. Wolves and wild cats don't get cancer or heart disease or diabetes, so why do domesticated animals fed by humans get these things? Because if you don't do as I am saying and feed your animal a REAL and APPROPRIATE diet then you are subjecting it to human stupidity and human diseases.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 0
1 point

I very much agree with you. Here is a nice video about why a dog should eating the raw meat diet. Keep in note that the human physicalliology resembles the dog in regard of the digestive system.

Dog is carnivore and should eating the raw meat
Side: Agreance
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