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 baseball or soccer (3)

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lewisclark(4) pic

baseball or soccer

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Soccer... Yeah!! playing with nike mercurials! ssssssooooooocccccccceeeeeeerrrrr

Baseball s the best and way more fun!!!!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎��😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎���😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎����😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

1 point

Baseball, hands down. Oh, I see where we're going with this thread: naming two sports that are considered by many to be slow and boring. But the things is that there is SO much more going on in baseball than a casual or especially a non-fan can know. Strategy and tactics are being weighed every second. What type of pitch to throw? Where? Where to position the fielders? Pinch-hitter or no> Pitching change? The whole lefty-righty thing for pitcher and hitter. Playing the percentages. Sabermetrics.

Too, when you have a 90-mile an hour fastball coming at ya the batter had only .25 of a second to react. To: read what type of pitch it is; decide to swing or not; and the to physically engage and hit that ball between 10 fielders. It is the single most difficult thing to do in ALL of sports, and is the reason why the very best hitters fail two out of three times.

Soccer? What's with all the flopping? Grown men crying like little girls with skinned knees when they actually get touched? And, hey, us Americans ain't got time to watch 90 minutes of kicking the ball out of bounds and flopping only to see a 0-0 tie. LOL.

I'll put my son in a ballet tu-tu before handing him a soccer ball.