
Debate Info

no tv yes tv
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 no tv (1)
 yes tv (1)

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mr-kidd(8) pic

do you think tv is a good thing

This is not a rant about how the TV is a stupid box and if you watch it all the time you won’t know anything. But I’ve noticed something wired in me and some of my class mates. At the moment I’m trying to wheen myself off of TV and hope it will show me a different side of humanity. Anyway back to the debate do all of you think that TV is good for your sikey? I mean I know that TV is bad for you fisukly because most people just sit down fore about 9 hoers strait watching TV only getting up to grab a sank or drink, but like myself and most people on this world I make my decisions and think about things from a perspective morft by my experiences and the things I do, but the thing I noticed is that looking the TV fore so long makes me feel like iv ban in these peoples shoes before and that I know how to handle certain situation like its happened before to me… I hope you can see ware I’m going with this. Well if you cant let me spell it out fore you I think that TV gives people a falls sense of living and falls remotes to situation, its also a vary lazy way to make the boring parts of your life to go faster wan you could just be out doing something.


Id riley like to know what you all think about this and how or what you do to tweak your thinking in situation. Do you quote people you know or people you herd on the TV or do you tray to just yous your feelings as a spring fore your arguments. Let me know

no tv

Side Score: 1

yes tv

Side Score: 1
1 point

I honestly think TV is a waste. I mean, you sit there watching other people live... And the point of that is?

I mean, I'll admit, I am hooked on a few shows, but I mostly watch educational channels, in hopes that it's not a total waste of time. And I only watch TV as a last resort kind of thing to do. lol

Then again there's the social aspect about TV, where you go into work Monday morning and when work is slow you can talk about what happened on last weeks episodes. But we can find better things to talk about, can't we?

Side: no tv

TV is good because it relaxes and it can even put you to sleep. TV is good for the daily news and for all of the entertainment.

Side: yes tv