
Debate Info

yes of cource no and will be never
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 yes of cource (2)
 no and will be never (1)

Debate Creator

kshitijb(5) pic

does god exist?

yes of cource

Side Score: 2

no and will be never

Side Score: 1
1 point

yes offcourse god exists as he has created and made alot of things of which we today take 4 granted , but every1 believes in different things, so i wont take it personally or judge u.

Side: yes of cource

To a believer, God does exist and nothing can take that belief away.

Side: yes of cource
1 point

I personally am not sure, but I have many, many years ahead of me to figure it out. I mean, it's kind of hard to believe there is some superior being watching everything, and who has a very strict moral system.

Side: no and will be never