
Debate Info

great porn visual absulutely degrading
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 great porn visual (2)
 absulutely degrading (2)

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edodeweert(20) pic

ejaculating on a female's face

after watching many porn flicks showing guys cumming on a girl's face, i have come to the conclusion that it is very degrading; the girls do not seem to enjoy it and simply endure it because that is their job (they gat paid very well to have their faces shot full of semen.

and the guy tells me that he has little respect for the girl, i mean, why shoot all over her face; what does that tell about your respect for her?


great porn visual

Side Score: 4

absulutely degrading

Side Score: 2
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0 points

wtf is the fuck, then you pull your cock out of her pussy and shoot all over her face? and you call that "making love"?

Side: absulutely degrading
2 points

Who's calling it making love? It's called porn. I think your debate might be slightly more interesting if you were referring to what consenting adults choose to do in the real world.

Side: great porn visual
zombee(1026) Disputed
2 points

The things that others find stimulating are going to puzzle all of us at one point or another. It doesn't mean they are wrong or even abnormal.

I don't see a problem with it as long as all parties are consensual, whether they are motivated by money or attraction to their partner.

Side: great porn visual
0 points

that is just it, zombee.....

throughout many posts on girls have indicated they are kind of grossed out by it and do not see the point.

but they are being subjected to it by their boyfriends, or are being pressured to engage in it.

btw, i have been on that site because i was frustrated by the incredible lack of proper information and .

Side: absulutely degrading