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 how can we help smokers (4)

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mero0oXD(11) pic

how can we help smokers

How can we help smokers to end there addiction. I want to help them but how can we start

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2 points

Accept them, but maintain that what do is unhealthy. Smokers (humans) can't easily listen to reason if smokers (humans) are simultaneously judged on a personal, ethical level. The first step in quitting addiction is always acceptance of the facts.

mero0oXD(11) Banned
0 points

Thank you for answering my argument . You helped me alot . I oprasshete it

buy them the patch and tell them you are cutting them out of your life until they quit...

the patched worked for me like a charm. i smoked for 18 years...before trying the patch i was smoking 2 packs a day.

6 years later now i still get the desire to light up, but instantly think, wow, i actually fucking way i would ever smoke one again.

im really amazed at how so many people that managed to quit end up smoking again.

the bottom line...people can be helped only if they want to be. you cant force somebody to be smart

mero0oXD(11) Banned
0 points

Thank you for answering my argument . You helped me alot . I oprasshete it