
Debate Info

Group 3 Group 4
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 Group 4 (6)

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iPod = Disruptive Technology (Group 3 vs. Group 4) ding ding ding

Group 3

Side Score: 10

Group 4

Side Score: 8
2 points

The iPod is a disruptive technology because it allowed music to be taken with and listened to portably in mass for the first time. The digital format the iPod played was also able to be freely downloaded at the time of the iPods production, essentially allowing people to for the first time, be able to acquire their entire music collection for free and take a substantial chunk with them at all times.

Side: Group 3
2 points

iPods shifted consumer listening habits from long format listening to the shuffle culture of today. This came hand in hand with the $1 per song a-la-carte menu of the iTunes purchasing model

Side: Group 3
1 point

With the invention of the ipod it basically made record labels almost obsolete overnight.

Side: Group 3
Kirby_(1) Disputed
2 points

Record labels are still around, Steve Jobs actually worked with record labels and formed agreements with them to put their music onto his online store, which was connected with the iPod. The thing that was disruptive was the free sharing software such as Napster.

Side: Group 4
RonanCaelDob(4) Disputed
1 point

I disagree - in fact, the iPod and it's smooth integration with the iTunes store saved the record labels by convincing consumers it was more convenient to buy their mp3s than pirate them. The music industry's core distribution and copyright systems did not change, the means of distribution was simply adapted to the new technology, like the shift from cassettes to CDs.

Side: Group 4
1 point

It has made people less social in situations where people may have interacted with each other- it's a way of tuning out and being in your "own world"

Side: Group 3
1 point

It has changed the way we are able to choose what we listen to. Not reliant on radio stations and record labels anymore

Side: Group 3
1 point

The MP3 coupled with the iPod rendered record companys merely advertising agencies for artists, rather than the fundamental method of distribution also.

Side: Group 3
1 point

The strong marketing of the iconic white earbuds that came bundled with every iPod threw consumer attention to a headphone industry that would prove to grow exponentially

Side: Group 3
2 points

The iPod is not a disruptive technology because it did not alter the music industry system itself - it just changed the medium of distribution.

Side: Group 4
RonanCaelDob(4) Clarified
1 point

Consider the invention of the recording itself with the edison cylinder - I would argue that the cylinder is a truly disruptive technology as it invented an entirely new industry and would go on to transform how music is both perceived and sold entirely. On the other hand, the move from cylinders to shellac discs was not a disruptive technology, as it was simply an advancement of the distributing medium. I would argue that the iPod is not disruptive as it was simply a change in the distributing format. In many respects the iPod in fact restored power to the record labels, which had only been threatened by the popularization of music piracy which would lose mainstream appeal as commercial technology became more convenient. The iPod was the beginning of this move towards convenient mp3 purchase or consumption, not the end of the music industry.

Side: Group 3
1 point

ipods are not disruptive technology, it doesn't totally get in the way of life or societal dynamics

Side: Group 4
RonanCaelDob(4) Disputed
1 point

I'm not sure if that counts as a disruption - disruption as far as I know refers to an industry being forced to adapt to a technological innovation, not consumers adapting to a new social system

Side: Group 3
1 point

iPods are not disruptive technology as mp3 players and services such as Napster were around before the introduction of the iPod and iTunes, which popularised technology that was already disruptive

Side: Group 4
1 point

The ipod is a disruptive technology as it has given people a false sense of entitlement, resulting in a large majority of the population to 'steal' music which has then changed the music industry as we know it

Side: Group 4