
Debate Info

would would not
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:15
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 would (3)
 would not (5)

Debate Creator

badgirl12194(20) pic

i would hav 200 sex in a day

would i hav 200 sex in a day



Side Score: 3

would not

Side Score: 10

i would have in a day

so good feels good

yall should try

Side: would

i am lying they call it a question and i am 18 muhahahahahaha!

Side: would
1 point

Marry me? ;)

Side: would

You would die, after having 48 (might me a few less) you will die.

Side: would not
3 points

What the hell is this? You would have two hundred sex changes in a day? Better worry a little more about school and less about sex for now.

Side: would not
2 points

That would kill you.



So you would have to have sex every 7.2 minutes (7 minutes 12 seconds) without eating or sleeping. That, combines with the exertion it takes, would kill you as surely as a bullet.

Side: would not
1 point

Really? How old are you? I'm just wondering.

It's impossible, as others have said on here, to have that much sex in one day.

Side: would not
1 point

Quality not quantity, better to have satisfying sex once in a day, than loads of unsatisfying sex

Side: would not