
Debate Info

not real real
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:42
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 not real (13)
 real (13)

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chrisk(39) pic

is death real

not real

Side Score: 25


Side Score: 15
2 points

you talk about death but i have never seen a person die okay

Side: not real
2 points

the ability of a common man to seize to exist has not been scientifically provern so ask you self that

Side: not real
2 points

listen if u have not died what do u think about others dying

Side: not real
2 points

the thing that we hindus believe in is that people just swicth into an animal

Side: not real
2 points

the vedas says that a man never dies but is reborn into another being

Side: not real
2 points

the vedas also says the term death is associated with rebirth and not slepimg in a forever sleep okay

Side: not real
2 points

let us stop this aurgument now okay or are u still in the game mr death

Side: not real
2 points

hindus also say that death is begins the beginning of happiness

Side: not real
2 points

hindisim also says that life is the way to death and the god BRAHMAN is the rebirth king

Side: not real
2 points

true happiness is the time we die and get joined together with BRAHMAN

Side: not real
2 points

that sholud be enough for u to find out that death is the happiness of a true man

Side: not real
2 points

not real real real real real real real; real real real real real real real real is not death

Side: not real
shaash(434) Disputed
2 points

Chris you are obviously confused about Hinduism. I am also Hindu and your argument makes no sense.

Side: real
1 point

listen here as far as iam concerned God put a death sentence for all humans so we simply die.

Side: real
microsina(24) Clarified
2 points

i think you're nuts seriously you have a family tree didn't your mama tel you that you lost great grandparents in death?

Side: not real
1 point

wel then if u knw hw to read please go on the internet and search for death and it wil tel you that it is truly really real ok?

Side: real
1 point

never underestimate the power of a common man ok? bcoz i wil tel u the truth and nothing but the truth ok ma nigger?

Side: real
1 point

ok you said scientist have not proven alright but havent you ever heard that there is a clinical death if not try to do more research.

Side: real
1 point

death is simply the condition of being in a deep sleep that you cnt wake up from only if Jehovah allows.

Side: real
1 point

and dying is something that happens to everyone and no one can escape death not even the so called OBAMA can survive death.

Side: real
1 point

ok then why dont u go talk to one of the so called "reborn being" and see if it is going to tok to u.

Side: real
1 point

oh yes i see why you argue you are a hindu why didn't i think of that there is no cooperation between a hindu and a christine oh!! christian.

Side: real
1 point

death death death death death death death death death death something that is really real.

Side: real
1 point

ok go tell your guru or whatever you call him to tel you if he wil never die ok?

Side: real
1 point

ok then brahaman or whatever you call him will never get you when you die ok.

Side: real
1 point

All living creature must die or must face death in fact no one is immortal except for God,

we can't deny death and all the thing about being reborn is just myths and fairy tales. Well for now we should spend our time wisely so that we don't regret dying when the time comes.

Side: real