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reality happiness
Debate Score:1
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 happiness (1)

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mr-kidd(8) pic

is it better to live in happiness or reality

My name is Mr. Kidd I haven’t spent that many years no this earth but in the amount of time I’ve ban her something haze ban bothering me. All people don’t know the story behind events and often jump to a side that they can most relate to and don’t tack facts to hart and ultimately fight fore the reason sully that there on that side. But that’s not watt this debate is about. I wont to know if all of you wood rather live in a world ware something’s rang but we barley her of it just so we know watts going on but not vary informed on watts going on so we forget it. Or are any of you like me ware you wood rather live in the world ware you know watt happens and are acutely informed wan something bad starts to happen instead of every one that controls you covering your world with mindless dribble that will preoccupy you so you don’t need to pay attention to watts going on around you and thaws how keep you “happy” and safe can stay in power. So my Quechan to all of you is wood you rather live in a world ware you can site in your home and not tack any action wall hoping that your laziness wont end in a negative affect or do you wont to live in a world ware bad situations are pout in front of you so you and other people can fix it and know even if it goes rang you went down swinging.


You know ware I stand I wont to live in life how about you?


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I want to build my own wall of happiness around me where no one can ever tear down that wall.

Side: happiness