
Debate Info

he is gay he is not gay
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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 he is gay (1)
 he is not gay (2)

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neverwrong(25) pic

is justin beiber gay

I think he is gay because he has bad music and a gay haircut.

he is gay

Side Score: 1

he is not gay

Side Score: 2
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1 point

Whether he is or isn't, doesn't really matter, does it? If you don't like his haircut or his music, then what concern is it of yours, just avoid him and his music, and no problems.

Side: he is not gay
neverwrong(25) Disputed
1 point

sorry i offended you, no need to be rude though. It does not matter whether he is gay or not, God created everybody equally so you shouldnt judge

Side: he is gay
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

Woah, if anyone's judging him because he's gay ( or not) it's you. Creating a debate about his sexuality means only drawing attention to it. Though really it shouldn't matter. What I was saying is that if his sexuality bothers you, then just stay don't associate yourself with him, instead of making debates about it.

And besides, I'm Bi, so I'm hardly one to judge ;)

Side: he is not gay