
Debate Info

life death
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:22
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 life (3)
 death (2)

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Deathgaze(26) pic

life or death


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 8

Life is good sometimes and life is bad sometimes. The salient word is sometimes, Deathgaze. Nothing, not even depression, is a stagnant state of being. There are different degrees of good just as there are different degrees of bad in life. Nothing but death has a flat line!

You think that no one loves you! Can you tell us why you think that? Are there those that you love that you think do not love you? Life doesn't hand us anything but itself and it brings no guarantees along with it. It is said that we make our lives what they are and to some extent that's true. Sometimes we just have to work through things the best we can until an answer appears...and it always does.

Choosing life gives us endless possibilities while choosing death gives us nothing and those around you unbearable pain and anguish.

Side: life
0 points

My stance is that life has no true meaning in itself; there is no higher purpose given by a god or the like.

Yet we exist, and given the premise above, it's not a given that there shouldn't be any meaning to life. It's up to each and every one of us to give life the meaning we think it should have; what if life worth if we don't aim to move it?

That said, I regard some ways of living life of more value than others: in general, those ways which contribute the most to the furtherment of mankind towards an end-goal, which I amongst other things, initially consider to be of freedom, happiness, enlightment and such.

Life it is.

Side: life
3 points

lol, wow deathgaze... tough day huh?

I like soccer's point, "take solace in that others are worse off than you..." or something to that effect.

Kind of sadistic don't you think? You enjoy other's misfortune? (joking, I know what you mean, just couldn't resist.)

The fact is, the universe is between 13,500,000,000 and 14,000,000,000 years old

The earth is around 4,500,000,000 years old and is spiraling at around 29.77 kilometers/ second... yeah second around the sun, which is in turn spiraling at nearly the speed of light toward a giant black hole in the center of our Universe.

So really in the grand scheme of things, it makes no difference if any of us had ever lived at all.

Except to us I guess.

But just to even it out... GO DEATH!

Side: death
2 points

people say life is good but its not if all you know is depression death and hate i know no1 loves me so i look forward 2 death

Side: death
2 points

Come on suicidal guy, no need to be so depressed. If you feel that no one loves you then maybe you could devote your life to a helping others through charity work and feel good knowing your making a difference in people's lives. Those people will certainly appreciate what you do.

I don't know you, so I'm not sure if you're life is really that depressing or you're just being melodramatic, but I do know you at least have access to a computer so take solace in the fact that there are plenty of people in the world worse off than you.

Side: life