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chrismathews(4) pic

massive crotch cankers

I smoke weed in the middle of the night
put a little in the pipe
and let a riddle come to life
a little spittle on the mic
I put my pickle in a dyke
grip her nipples in a vice
and leave her clitoris swollen and bright
when my penis is in her tight cunt
she feels good, like me after five blunts
her clitoris burns for me, she yearns to be fucked while shes tied up
and if you try to touch my lesbian girlfriend that I turned straight, you might just die, yup
each one of my nuts
has a volume of five cups
and the mass of Donald Trump's massive lie book

I don't like human males
their grotesque like phosphorus fumes inhaled
I wanna see you impaled
that's homicide at gruesome scales
I could really use some ale
my screws are so fucking loosened, booze entails
a greater clarity of thought, cause usually I'm too enveiled
in thoughts that are likely to sanction my move to jail
I'm peaceful now, I'm juicin' kale
I stick my cock in Madusa's tail
and if you try to rap battle me you will lose and fail
I'll slice open your gut, you spew entrails

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