
Debate Info

men woman
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:22
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 men (9)
 woman (4)

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tingtang2010(63) pic

men or woman witch is better

this is basically anything goes who is beter smarter stronger sexier who is all around more awesome


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 7
1 point

men are better we know that the 710 cap actually mens oil

Side: men

The topic clearly states "witch"

A witch is a woman. An evil woman. So this topic must be about how women are evil.

Men are (on average) physically stronger... and smarter then women. We also get to live happy lives without bleeding once a month. Sure, women can control our minds... but we still reap the benefits. All in all, men are better.

Side: men
1 point

The question is not a question that a rational person takes a position. For the question itself is not even a complete question. Better at what??????? Better at breast feeding???

Better at criminality????? Better at adultery????? Better at defense/security????

The question does not conform to a debate because the question does not affirm or deny a complete predicate of the subjects! The term, better, modifies an attribute it is not the attribute of any thing but rather modifies an attribute of a subject/s.

Side: Neither
1 point

I hope to God a woman made this. The title is so wrong. "witch" should be "which" and it should read "Man or woman: which is better?"

Side: men
0 points

Why must we bring up such a topic? Really, we are all equal now, so it does not matter. Women and men are the same race, and they are equal. As are all races. This is really not a well thought out debate. Also which is spelled incorrectly.

Side: Neither
3 points

First of all, a man wrote this topic. He spelled 'which' wrong...

But getting on to the real issue... Who oppressed the opposite sex for years and years? Who was ignorant enough to believe that women were mentally inferior to men? Who was it that gave birth to you, enduring tremendous pain to bring you into the world? All of the age old questions... most of them prove that women are better.

Besides that, why is a man contending that men are better? Is he homosexual?

Side: woman
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

Actually, all of your arguements before the last one could just as easily be made to support that men are better.

1. who oppressed the opposite sex?

Well, who allowed themselves to be oppressed? One could say that that men were able to oppress them, kinda would make it seem they're superior.

2. who was ignorant enough to believe that women were mentally inferior to men?

Both men and women thought this in pretty much equal numbers for years and years, and if even women agreed with the assessment...

3. who was it that gave birth to you?

Just from an evolutionary stance, one could argue that the reason one sex was made to give birth, and not the other, is because women would be pretty much worthless to the clan for 9 months of the year, and so the stronger, more able to provide of the two sexes, shouldn't be the ones bearing children.

I'm not saying you're conclusion is wrong, but your arguements seem to be steeped in anger, and week when it comes to actually proving your point.

Side: men
Captainjason(25) Disputed
1 point

Ignorant to believe?

For the purpose of this debate... its true. We are are mentally superior. Of course we oppressed you for years... we are better. That proves it.

Side: men
2 points

I like women better personally,

I'd rather work with them,

sleep with them,

do almost anything with them outside of drink beer and watch sports...

but I do like drinking beer, so maybe it's not so one sided...

Side: yes I know this is a sexist comment
1 point

Women are better no doubt about it. When guys can endure the pains and labor of birth(not including that one guy) then we will be even. Basically anything that men can do we can do an half of the time better. Just out of curiosity who came up with this topic. You kind of spelled which wrong.

Side: woman
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

Things that hurt worse than child birth:

1. Having your face melted off with acid than poored in a vat of salt.

2. Being completely skinned alive then set of fire.

3. Being set on fire.

4. Eating your own eyeballs.

5. Having your penis sawed off with a Mattel plastic saw.

6. Having your penis sawed off with anything.

7. Having anything sawed off.

8. Some ulcers.

9. Passing a very large kidney stone.

10. The Rack.

11. Pretty much anything on any of the Saw movies.

I'm just saying. But here's something interesting, link

It's a funny article, but based on studies of the brain, and the way men and women really react to pain. Here's the meat, if you don't wanna read the whole thing.

Brain scans show that when men are in pain the area concerned with analysis and problem-solving is the most active. When women are subjected to the same painful stimulus - usually having their arm stuck in a bucket of iced water - it's the limbic system, the part of the brain concerned with emotional responses, that kicks into overdrive.

When men are asked to forget how annoyed they feel about being in pain and to focus more on the unpleasant sensation itself, their level of pain reduces. This doesn't happen in women; it's as if they can't divorce the emotional from the physical aspects of discomfort.

Again, it's fine if one thinks women are "awsomer," but someone please on this side come up with some real reasons.

Side: Neither
missorange(74) Disputed
1 point

Dude, where did you get your research on things that hurt worse than child birth?

You Don't know what it feels like to give birth do you?

So how can you say that those things hurt more? ? ?

Side: woman