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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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2020tenos(2) pic


why should we have school uniforms because all of yours are stupid and dont make any senens I mean seriosly they dont u guys are just stupid.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
2 points

It sounds to me like the creator of this debate should be a little less concerned about what the school is making them wear, and a little more about what is being taught. I don't know how you got here, but I have nothing to do with you wearing a uniform.

I am anti-uniform. I would never send my hypothetical children to a school that had one. As a person who was forced to wear a uniform until high school, I can tell you that they do much, much more harm than good. My graduating class in eighth grade was six kids. We had no sense of identity, and because of the uniform no individuality until very late in our childhoods. When we finally all headed off to public schools in the area, we had no confidence, social skills, or concept of social groups. High School wasn't all that nice to me until I spent a long while adapting to concepts that were completely foreign to me. Preventing a child from interacting like a normal human socially and forcing them to give up a major aspect of identity will in a lot of cases have disastrous results.

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