
Debate Info

later school start leaving start at same time
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 later school start (6)
 leaving start at same time (1)

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Dhoops4(14) pic


should we leave school at the same start time it is at? Or should we start at a later time? Do you think that starting at a later time, and letting kids get more sleep will help with school or not?

later school start

Side Score: 6

leaving start at same time

Side Score: 1
1 point

YES YES YES!!!!!! later because it would help with school to rest are brains more so we do better in school because most kids sleep like 6 to 7 hours and they need 10 hours at least!

Side: later school start
1 point

I think we should start school later then because kids have to wake up and gust leave when start at before 8:00 that is why i think we should start school later.

Side: later school start
1 point

It depends. Elementary school kids should have to wake up early and go to school early because they wake up early anyway. High school kids should go to school later because they are growing more than elementary students and need more sleep. The school system in America is going against biology! Teenagers need more sleep than kids who are 10 or younger.

Side: later school start
1 point

This side because kids shouldn't be at school 24/7. O.o

Side: later school start

I have to get up at 6:30 in the morning in order to leave an ample amount of time for getting ready and walking which is really quite horrible.

Side: later school start
1 point

School should start at the time it does now. It is perfectly normal to have to start school at 8 AM or earlier because they day ends at around 3-4 PM. If it were any time later, school would end at 5-6 PM or even later depending on what time it starts. Knowing that it would start later, it would also end later, which defeats the purpose. The problem is that students do not get enough sleep or nutrition, leaving them not at their best. Simply sleep at a time knowing how long it takes you to fall asleep, how many hours you need as a teenager(8-10) and how long it takes you to ready up in the morning to go to school, as well as when school starts. Go to bed earlier than when you sleep if you have troubles going to sleep, and prepare accordingly.

Side: leaving start at same time
james8293(102) Disputed
1 point

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Side: later school start