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Debate Score:4
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skb11(92) pic

should open book exams be made common?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
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1 point

Looking stuff up isn't learning, it's looking stuff up. It's lazy teachers hoping you learn something at the last minute, instead of ensuring you learn something for life.

Side: No
skb11(92) Disputed
1 point

otherwise mugging up will be common which is also not a way of real learning.better than that is open book exams

Side: yes
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

I'm not going to pretend to know what "mugging up" means,

What I do know though is that knowledge within one's head leads to a deeper understanding of that knowledge. And since no knowledge but definitions and addition is as simple as what the answer is, it always without question leads to a more accurate interpretation, a deeper interpretation, and ultimately a more useful interpretation of that knowledge - when one actually knows it.

If only for the length of the exam.

Why community college graduates cannot compete with University graduates, even in this day and age, after graduation.

If you have the opportunity, actually learn it.

Side: No

I never cared for open book exams because it seems too easy to qualify as a test.

Side: no