
Debate Info

it is their fault they did nothing wrong.
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 it is their fault (2)
 they did nothing wrong. (7)

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silverfullbu(15) pic

should parents be punished for their children's mistakes?

do you think that children's mistakes are to be blamed on the parents? 

it is their fault

Side Score: 2

they did nothing wrong.

Side Score: 8

Parents are responsible for their kids so it is only right and natural to pay for their misbehavior.

Side: it is their fault
1 point

most parents gives so much freedom for their children that gives them more support to do mistakes

Side: it is their fault
2 points

well, the parents raised their children and took care of them. but allot of children do mistakes simply cause they are still not responsible yet, so you can't blame the parents for what kids do. All kids like to mess around and do bad things, it is in their nature. the parents should punish their kids though....

Side: they did nothing wrong.

that is correct, allot of children tend to make bad things and behave inappropriately and the parents did not want their kids to do the things they did! so we should not punish them.

Side: they did nothing wrong.
1 point

The parents could of raised their child perfectly but they still might misbehave.

Side: they did nothing wrong.
1 point

exactly! no matter how much the parents raise their children, a child will always misbehave anf their is nothing the parents can do except either talk to their kids about it or try to set their children straight.

Side: they did nothing wrong.
1 point

They shouldn't be punished for the 'mistakes' of their children but the bad behavior of their child/children should be made apparent to them as a lot of it is to do with them; not entirely their fault necessarily, especially if the child has behavioral problems then it's not the parents fault.

If the child is 'normal' and still behaves badly then the parents should at least be warned about this or penalized to a certain degree but I think a 'punishment' would be unreasonable for the parents as it's more the child that deserves the punishment not the parents as they did nothing wrong!

Side: they did nothing wrong.
1 point

I think most parents do their best to raise their child in the best way that they can. It is up to the child if you will follow this moral standards provided by your parent. Also, most parents have no idea that their children are doing something not right.

Side: they did nothing wrong.
1 point

i believe that parents should not be punished for children's mistake. its not their fault , buts friends in the life. in this busy world parents go to earn money for children, pay fees . children spend more time in schools with teachers an friends in schools than spending

time with parents .this may be the impact of teachers or friends.thus teachers or friends should be blamed.

Side: they did nothing wrong.