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pro con
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 pro (5)
 con (2)

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should schools have uniforms

Smilepro or con? Uniforms have been around for a long time. debates about having uniforms or not has been around for a long time too. do you agree that schools should adot a school uniform and is it true that uniforms create a sense of belonging and school pride?


Side Score: 7
Winning Side!


Side Score: 2

Pros in favor of wearing a uniform include:

-Cuts down on social class.

-Easier to tell which kids go to said school.

-Discourage sexual harassment.

-It teaches a professional style of dress.

-Decrease gang pride.

-Students normally focused on style could be thinking of work now.

I don't think schools should wear uniforms but these are reasons in favor of them. I will post my reason against also.

Side: pro
0 points

I agree with you. :)

Side: pro
2 points

I get a down vote for agreeing with you ?

Side: pro
1 point

Here in Australia we all wear uniforms and honestly I loved it. Its a wonderful idea.

Side: pro
1 point

If military service people have to wear uniforms without bitching, students should too.

Side: pro
1 point

Lessen the uniform, increase the whores and men can show off their muscle much easier too.

Side: con

Cons against wearing a uniform include:

-Students feel a stronger need to rebel.

-Hygiene, if some decide to wear the same unwashed uniform continuously.

-They will cost the school to provide them.

-If the student must provide them the student may not be able to afford them.

-Puts a mindset of conformity into the minds of our youth.

Side: con