
Debate Info

it should it shouldn't
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:23
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 it should (9)
 it shouldn't (8)

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debateteen(5) pic

should the voting age be lowered

If 17 year olds can be in military then they should be able to vote.Most teens want to be independent. If 19 states allow 17 year olds to vote in the primary elections why not allow them to vote in the main elections.  Kids should have a say in the government.

it should

Side Score: 13

it shouldn't

Side Score: 9
2 points

Were it an option, I'd say that voting should be abolished altogether. However, so long as it must remain, then allow any citizen to vote. A twelve year old is affected by the laws just as a twenty year old is; why discriminate? It isn't like many of the middle aged fellers who vote really give a damn for whom or for what they are voting any more than would the twelve year old.

Side: it should
russelllee(4) Disputed
1 point

I believe that the voting age should not be lowered because many young kids are immature and should not attend the voting polls.

Side: it shouldn't
Liber(1712) Disputed
2 points

Many (most) people who are old enough to vote are likewise immature.

Side: it should
nocturnal123(43) Disputed
1 point

You are on the wrong siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Side: it should
2 points

Only if you pass a test of competence (for under-18s), because I know someone who has his own political standpoint and why that is under the age of 16. He doesn't just go, "I VOTE FOR OBAMA! Why? Because." he goes, "Well, 'Dubya' was creating jobs before 2007, and Obama started creating jobs in 2010-11 because we were in a crisis, and ironically, we were lowered to AA in 2011, not 2008.

Side: it should

I don't see no harm in doing it because there are people that are 13 to 15 that are very mature for their age. Like Kamekaze and ChuckHades.

Side: it should
1 point

I saw some of their post they are very advance for their age.

Side: it should
1 point

It should Because then people can just fuck around and just mess up elections... JK JK

Side: it should
1 point

Allowing younger people to vote would encourage them to get involved in the political system early and make them more involved citizens late in life.

It would also encourage politicians to take care of younger voters concerns

Other nations have already lowered their voting age, including Brazil and Niagara where the voting age is 16 and the Phillies where it is set as 15. These nation have not seen disastrous consequences of theses low voting ages

Side: it should
2 points

i feel that it shouldn't because under the age of 18 is consider a minor. I think that it would not be in the best option to give minors that much power in elections because minors are not educated in politics.

Side: it shouldn't

I honestly believe the voting age should be 25 because that is when the brain is fully developed.

Side: it shouldn't
KingBlack(222) Disputed
1 point

Please looking at people over 25 id say they are all morons. People underestimate how informed people are regardless of age

Side: it should
1 point


Side: it shouldn't

People these days are too ignorant to realize what they are voting for, i think the voting age should be 21 so then people know what they want due to knowing how the world works and what working hard means.

Side: it shouldn't
1 point

I believe we put too much importance on age as a number. The young and old alike may be just as ignorant on certain issues depending on their personal situations. I personally believe that if you want voting done right, it should not be a question of age as much as a question of how the topics at hand personally affect your situation. In my personal opinion, you should be granted the ability to vote once you've either filed for taxes, or have a place of residence under your name (be it owning a home, renting an apartment, or any likewise situation). These are the people that will understand more than anyone what exactly certain topics deal with, and how they should be decided.

Side: it shouldn't

The voting age should remain at 18. It would not be wise to lower it.

Side: it shouldn't
0 points

The age of voting shouldn't be lowered. In my opinion, it's not correct to let children to vote, because they are not informed enough about politics. I believe, that voting of child can spoil a voting process. Just imagine, if political will promise to give latest I Phone to every teenager. Sure, I would vote for him, at the age of 15, for that promise.

Side: it shouldn't