
Debate Info

good decision racist pig!
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 good decision (1)
 racist pig! (2)

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vandebater(443) pic

tim thomas turning down the visit to the white house?

good decision

Side Score: 1

racist pig!

Side Score: 3

I wouldn't go quite so far as to say it was a good decision, but I more than understand it, and would defend his right to make it. The idea that he has to go speaks of a police state, which I would not like to see the US descend to.

Side: good decision
2 points

I wouldn't say racist, probably just a sucker who's fallen for the gloom and doom right wing media machine spouting lies about the last three years like a broken faucet.

It's fascinating how when Bush is in office, if anyone dare say "hey, maybe starting a war in Iraq is a bad idea" or has any other minor cerebral disagreement with any aspect of anything the president did at all all they hear is "TRAITOR, YOU HATE AMERICA! BLAH BLAH BLAH, RESPECT THE OFFICE" in all caps.

Then, you get a new president who wins literally by historic margins, and all the right does from day 1 is disrespect the office and completely demonize our democratically elected president... one that has actually done a pretty good job if you get out of the right wing media bubble and see the actual real direction of the economy, look at the healtcare bill like a logical human instead of a raving lunatic, and count how many dead terrorists there are.

Side: he's an idiot
vandebater(443) Disputed
1 point

ye i just tagged racist pig to possibly start extra debate. pretend i dint say that.

Side: he's an idiot