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civilization is unsustainable western ways is the way to go.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 western ways is the way to go. (5)

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simplemind(44) pic

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Challenge Debate: western civilization is wrong in its ways.

the waste and unsastanability of the way we live in developed countreys will be our down fall. we not only work against eachother between countreys but also within our own society because we compete with eachother. this is counterproductive and humanity is wasting its time. 


civilization is unsustainable

Side Score: 0

western ways is the way to go.

Side Score: 4
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1 point

I have a question before we start actually as I had sort of a hard time reading your description. Are you saying the economic system capitalism is bad or that the way Westerners live is bad?

Side: western ways is the way to go.
1 point

I guess I win.

Side: western ways is the way to go.
simplemind(44) Clarified
1 point

capitalism is wrong from the ethics it brings to the people. the morals and priorities it gives people makes us work against each other and is un productive. following these ethics makes you care for yourself and not the collective group (humans) were no different all of us yet we do stuff only for our selves to better our selves. witch is why western society is wrong. it profits individuals when where living in a world with so many people we cant think of the individual anymore but need to band together as a collective group to bettwer everyone. capitalism is a excuse to work only for yourself not the population.

Side: civilization is unsustainable
1 point

So it is wrong that it gives people like a chance? Last time I checked, Socialism enslaves people.

Side: western ways is the way to go.
simplemind(44) Clarified
1 point

the thing your missing about socialism is its not slavery when its for the common good of everyone. where to focused on self prosperity instead of success of the entire group it has become competition between one another. a chance for what? million dollars? yeah theirs prosperity for you but your working for yourself and not helping anyone else

Side: civilization is unsustainable
1 point

Both of them have their faults. However Communism have never lasted in the history of mankind for over 100 years. Capitalism has.

Side: western ways is the way to go.
0 points

I have a question before we start actually as I had sort of a hard time reading your description. Are you saying the economic system capitalism is bad or that the way Westerners live is bad?

Side: western ways is the way to go.
simplemind(44) Clarified
1 point

sorry, im saying the economic system capitalism is bad because it lets westerners live a life style that is bad. capitalism brings with it the western way of life that are despicable and ignorant. capitalism is bad socialism is good.

Side: civilization is unsustainable