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Ancestors we
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 Ancestors (2)
 we (4)

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who is best:our ancestors or we

In this we would be finding whether we are leading a better life or our ancestors lead a better life


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 5
Winning Side!
1 point

I hate guns. Knights were honored much more than soldiers of today.

I want someone to try and kill me with a greatsword god damn it.

Sure, it is much more messy... but who doesn't enjoy being covered in the blood of their vanquished foes?

Our ancestors had it right until they came up with guns.

Side: Ancestors
-2 points
1 point

Whose ancestors, and how so?

Side: we

Of all the wrongdoings taking place today, I think we need to remember that our ancestors were far from perfect. Our ancestors were the one's burning witches for no rational reason at all. Our ancestors were the one's that started world war two, where millions of jews were killed, for no other reason than the fact that they were of jewish blood. Even though we have a long way to go, I think we are slowly starting to break free from traditional laws and rules that once formed everyone to fit into this tiny bubble, and the fact that the western world has started to change these standards makes us better, it makes us the one's who learn from past mistakes. The fact that we are more accepting of different cultures, religious beliefs, sexual preferences, skin color and just the fact that women have rights makes us better than our ancestors!

I hate when people say "I wish I lived in the past" as if anything was perfect then.

The only ones who can truly wish they lived in the past is a white man, if gay he better stay in the closet.

Side: we

I will opine that the generation of today is living longer thanks to vaccines and various treatments for diseases.

Also, a woman can be a single mother that was looked down on in the past.

Side: we
1 point

Surely the human race has had a chequered history from where we have been to where we are now and we are by no means perfect, however, we are evolving and our attitudes are changing so we can reasonably say that given these advances in our view towards humanity we are improving albeit slowly and we still have a way to go before we become true human "beings"

Side: we