
Debate Info

mario sonic
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:9
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 mario (3)
 sonic (1)

Debate Creator

zane593(12) pic

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who's better, sonic or mario

because Mario is human like us and Sonic is jest an animal


Side Score: 5
Winning Side!


Side Score: 1
2 points

Of course Mario . Mario is so classic . He jumps around and shoots fireballs out of his ass . Kills horny turtles and saves princesses . AWESOME!

Side: Mario
1 point

I like the game Super Mario Bros. Sonic would probably win in a death match unless mario ate a magic mushroom and psychodelic flower.

Side: Mario
-1 points

Let's see. Greasy plumber that looks like Ron Jeremy and eats drugs, or a rebellious hedgehog that runs fast, eats chilidogs and actually has t.v. shows.

Sonic > Mario

Side: Me go to bank now
zane593(12) Disputed Banned
1 point

u know what u r a bicth, jackass and fucker. u suck no one likes u even mario

Side: Mario