
Debate Info

Papa Roach Linkin park
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Linkin park (3)

Debate Creator

jakeoutlier(72) pic

whos better papa Roach or Linkin Park

both to my favorite bands from california since being from their i havent decided in my opinion their both great but what do u think.

Papa Roach

Side Score: 0

Linkin park

Side Score: 3
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1 point

linkin park for sureee way better in everything! simply amazing! and not only that but all the songs they have...leave me in another world .

Side: Linkin Park

linkin park definitely amazing!!:D...........................................

Side: Linkin Park
1 point

Do I even need to explain your mom is dead she died she killed her self no note

Side: Linkin park