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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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Axmeister(4322) pic

would it be funny if obama brought back the slave trade?

I'm trying not to be racsit but all the black americans voted him because he, so they thought they would get better benefits because their president was black.


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1 point

"I'm trying not to be racist but all the black Americans voted him because he, so they thought they would get better benefits because their president was black."

I'm not trying to generalize but all the retards voted republican because their...well...retarded and do retarded things, which retarded people like.

see what i did there?

Side: No
1 point

88% of blacks voted for Kerry, 98% voted for Obama. That's not a big jump seeing as Obama got a higher percentage of votes from all ethnic groups.

Side: No
0 points

All didn't vote for him and have been voting historically democrat for how long?

Side: No