
Goal: 8 signatures

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More Political View Options for Profiles!

I've noticed that there need to be a few more political options to select for one's profile.

8. Anonymous Llandudno Junction, Wales
I am in Britain, so I am not any of the options as they are American options. I am a UK Conservative and I think there should be an option for British parties too.
5/16/15 4:53
7. Be Magic City, State
3/13/13 6:05
6. Anonymous Wahsington, State
Old School Republican
3/12/13 12:05
5. Ismaila Singley Gig Harbor, WA
It just is.
3/4/13 11:37
4. Cynical Pirate-Monkey Arlington, TX
Anarcho-capitalism and Libertarianism.
2/27/13 7:57
3. Prodigee Hulk kjllkjl, kjllj
2/23/13 7:32
2. Jacob Julius Cold Place, Canada
2/23/13 2:08
1. Matthew Kozlov Maple Town, North West Territories
I like political views
2/23/13 8:37