
Archie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Archie's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I cry, blame myself, punch a wall. You know how it is....

2 points

That's a dumb website. Chuck Norris is awesome!

3 points

I think that politicians should start considering Chuck Norris as the main defence for this country in times of need due to his extreme awesomeness. (;

1 point

Eeeeeeewww! Hahaha.

I don't think Hard Gay would have any problem with that. (;

Besides, he pulls stuff out of his pants all the time. Lol.

Hard Gay
3 points

In this specific situation according to the debate description they are the same thing.

2 points

Oy! Isn't it going to piss of Politico to have this debate up? (;

(Even though it is true)

1 point

You're kidding me? After all that I just told you and Altarion even blocked you from posting messages onto his profile you still try to pull this shit?! How disgraceful of you! >:(

This is some low shit you pulled! Now I'm telling you: Stay away from him!

2 points

I enjoy having a good book or my laptop while in the restroom. (;

2 points

And the hit tv show You're Mama is all proof of that. (;

2 points

Not only that, but on your birthday you don't have to buy other people giflts, they all buy you them! (;

(Although I suppose this catagorizes under "It's all about me.") (;

1 point

I completely agree. And some people need to learn where they are and are not welcome involving other people's lives and/or decisions that they make/made.

3 points

Seriously! Who the hell would vote this down?! It is human nature to bitch and moan about what they don't like about where they are/live. Plus it is pointless to start a revolution about something banned for a reason! The reason mexicans are migrating to America is because we fucking rule! So like Altarion said: "If you don't agree with American law, then GTFO" OR STFU!

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