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This personal waterfall shows you all of GCSB's arguments, looking across every debate.
6 points

Books are ten time better in my opinion.

Please don't get me wrong the internet has helped many people, but nothing beats getting a brand new book or a really old one a flicking through the pages. A vast collection of works and words my god the words that you can find just by picking up an old book!

1 point

With the way that our world is now peace will only come as a result of bloodshed and war. I would love for our world to be at peace with on another, but so many opoising views, environment, ethics, religion they all fight against one another. Even the lord above wiped out most of the planet because he fucked up.

2 points

So, if a young person is raped and is left being pregnant does she then have to face a jury in choice to terminate a child that should of never been conceived? Or how about the chance that due to a natural fault during the nine months that may end up killing the mother and she decides she wants to live, should she stand in front of a jury for that choice? What if the mother has no form of finance, no job on drugs etc she decides she doesn't want to bring a child in to her own world of hell, should she stand for murder?

you cant say that it supports murder because there is so many ethical and moral arguments for and against it. Its not being wilfully ignorant its being empathetic to those who choose not to bring a life in to this world.

1 point

We cant really say wither God is or is not real. There is not enough data to even prove the existence of God... well correction there is no data, but if he was real do you honestly think that he wants us to find him? We have to get through this life before we are taking in to the arms of the lord to heaven.

But there is a reason why the Big Bang is also called The God Theory. I mean you could see God as the universe the big bang creating all form of life that we know now, 7 days could of been the billions of years these gasses gathered up together. The first humans eating forbidden fruit, well our brains were still developing it could of been one of poison and we learned not to go to it again.

I am not agreeing with the point but you could be correct metaphorically.

13 points

I am not arguing with what you have said about this persons point, however an opinion can not be "poorly informed" its an opinion, someone's own view on how they see a situation, just because you disagree with what the person has said, their opinion still their own.

17 points

No person is ever born good or evil, environment, upbringing, religious views, friends, education so many different things contribute to the way that we all turn out.

2 points

I agree this is a perfect statement! The problem that feminist face is that most people will only focus on the extreme feminist those who hate all men and march around in their dungarees chanting hate towards all men. The majority are only after equal pay and rights for women.

1 point

I have no problems with any one who holds religious views, I mean at the end of the day its their choice on what they do and don't do. However the main thing that I despise are those who use a book that was written 2000 years ago to justify actions of hate that are made nowadays (gay marriage etc).

It becomes more of a hot topic as the western world is loosing their faith more and more. I live in England and I honestly know no one who goes to church. I do often question why, I cannot deny that the bible does have some good life lessons in it, for example, Respect those around you with kindness and compassion or help the dying man on the road not for the fact you'll feel good but for the fact that you have done good for another man. But people do need to remember how long ago and how out dated the views of the bible are. I mean if they re wrote the bible now would it involve same sex marriage? would it involve the theory of evolution? would it involve space as the heavens above?

2 points

I am truly amazed with American politics for doing this, I honestly never thought it would happen in my life time!

2 points

My how Christian of you. May I ask though, do you swear? do you follow the law to the t? do you eat prawns and bacon? have you ever lied? have you ever torn someone down because they are in love? If you have done any of those things (which don't say you haven't because we all have done one) then please return to your 2000 year old bible because you would not be following the laws of your lord.

If your God is this great forgiving man then tell me why can he not forgive those who love the same sex? Their love for each other is no different from any other so why should we treat as if it is?

Your religion taught men to treat those around us with respect, care and compassion. He taught us that all man kind is equal, he also taught us that those who live their lives in incompetence will never live a real life. Your religion should not change your views it is merely a guide that was written thousands of years ago. Do we still stone prostitutes to death? No we don't, so why cant you change your views on same sex marriage?

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