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Debate Score:147
Total Votes:206
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Thewayitis(4063) pic

Is God the universe?


1. All matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.
Since God is the alpha and the omega, and energy cannot be created or destroyed, aren't they one in the same. 
 One of most basic laws of science is the Law of the Conservation of Energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.
Isn't dark matter and energy, supernatural?
(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.


Side Score: 73


Side Score: 74
4 points

According to pantheists like Einstein yes. Pantheists have a sensible understanding of god, unlike most atheists and theists I've met who seem stuck with a very immature idea of what god is.

Side: Yes
3 points

There is much we don’t understand about the world. I won’t attempt to say “therefore god,”nor prove the pantheistic view, just offer my own thoughts. I realize I don't have scientific proof.

If there were a god, it would exist; therefore it could be defined if its aspects be known.

Whether or not god’s aspects are known or understood is unknown.

As a species, we only have our own interpretations as to what god is.

I assume the possibility that if god does exist: we, within our collective knowledge as a species, have defined god at least in some way.

God is defined as omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and a creator in many belief systems throughout history.

The universe is omnipresent. The universe is all encompassing and it has been since the beginning and will be until the end of time. It is completely pervading, not to an extent to say that a piece of the universe dwells within us; nay, we are the universe and the universe IS us.

The universe is omnipotent. Anything that has ever occurred or can ever occur was or will be made manifest by the universe; every supernova, every baby’s first steps. Also, nothing can destroy the universe without also destroying existence itself.

The universe is omniscient. Like its omnipotence, everything that has been or will be known is made manifest by the universe. Every philosophical inquiry, every technological advancement from infantile humans to advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

The universe is a creator. Everything ever made or destroyed was a result of the universe. It encompasses, initiates, and makes possible all creation and destruction; all the innovations of humankind to all the formations of galaxies.

If these definitions we have of god describe the universe, then perhaps the universe is god.

I see too many flaws with strict definitions of what god is as they pertain to individual beliefs in individual religions. I instead assume the position that we are all pieces of the whole and our interpretations of the world we live in are as well.

Side: Yes
2 points

By definition, God is the universe or the universe is God.

Side: Yes
Paradox44(736) Disputed
2 points

God is unchangable and remains the same all throughout. Also you would have to explain how he could still be omniscient (knowing future events for clarity). God is outside the universe. God cannot be fathomed. The universe is fathomable. The universe is not God.

Side: No
AdolEssence(60) Disputed
2 points

God is unchangable and remains the same all throughout. Since when is everything not everything? oothoolioo

And who said God couldn't be fathomed?! That is not a known fact. Its HARD, I'll give you that, but not impossible.

Side: Yes
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Show me that God is outside the universe. Have you visited where he resides? Since you have seen where God lives, you have just confirmed that God exists. Like I have always said,"If you want proof that God exists, just ask an atheist."

Side: Yes
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

That doesn't really make sense because that would make God both natural and supernatural.

Side: No
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
3 points

Ever heard of something being both sweet and sour? Sweet and sour chicken, Sweet and sour pork. Why can't God be both?

Side: Yes
Coldfire(998) Disputed
2 points

If god exists, wouldn't god be natural?

and in a way also supernatural?

Side: Yes
2 points

Nothing forms nothings a something forms something so yes God is the universe

Side: Yes
1 point

God is in universe that's why you were almost killed but saved because of Gods grace he sees and he speaks

Side: Yes
1 point

We cant really say wither God is or is not real. There is not enough data to even prove the existence of God... well correction there is no data, but if he was real do you honestly think that he wants us to find him? We have to get through this life before we are taking in to the arms of the lord to heaven.

But there is a reason why the Big Bang is also called The God Theory. I mean you could see God as the universe the big bang creating all form of life that we know now, 7 days could of been the billions of years these gasses gathered up together. The first humans eating forbidden fruit, well our brains were still developing it could of been one of poison and we learned not to go to it again.

I am not agreeing with the point but you could be correct metaphorically.

Side: Yes
2 points

scientist have not talk about the dark part of the universe they only say dark n rockeys obiting in space

Side: No
1 point

There is no reason to consider the universe to be God. We already have that concept. It is the universe. Calling it God is silly.

Dark matter and energy are natural.

Side: No
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
2 points

So you understand dark matter and energy? Scientist don't.

Side: Yes
Paradox44(736) Disputed
3 points

The thing is that you are stretching the definition so that it fits your definition of God. Just because we don't understand something doesn't automatically make it supernatural, mystical, etc. It simply remains unknown until we can understand it. Lightning isn't mystical. Meteor strikes are not supernatural. Matter is the same.

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

So, 100 years ago germs were supernatural?

Side: No

Although the universe created us, I don't believe the universe is conscious. ;)

Side: No
Coldfire(998) Disputed
3 points

I don't know whether or not the universe is conscious either.

But who's to say that consciousness be a necessary feature of god?

Side: Yes

What would be the point of having a God that, for all practical purposes, is as alive as a rock ;)

Side: Yes
Warjin(1577) Disputed
2 points

The universe seems to be a living organism much like a cell, all through we can never know for sure as of now I do believe that the universe is conscious and in turn we can safly call it God as we and all things sprung from the belly of the universe.

Our energy will continue to be recycled long after we are dead and even after the universe rips itself apart, energy seems to be transcendent and I like to think that our energy and all the energy within the universe or multi verse for that matter is alive and conscious.

This is just my theory I could be wrong by my reasoning has a hard time seeing it another way as of now.

Side: Yes

How about the cells in your body? Are they conscious? They behave like a community. Or maybe the universe is like one giant computer network and each individual one of the computers or processor core. But would that make it conscious? Is our society a conscious entity? I don't have the answers. I'm just some guy on a debate site ;)

Side: Yes

yes, and my favorite pet-unicorn called Rainbow is the earth .

Side: No

Is the color of Rainbow rainbow? :D

Side: No

His tail is rainbow colored, his .. corn? I guess is hot pink with glitter and the fur is light light baby pink, also glitter.

He can fly, and make dreams come true. And .. like I said he's also the earth.

Side: No
1 point

Isn't dark matter and energy, supernatural?

Anything we don't understand could be supernatural, but isn't necessarily supernatural. Due to the way supernatural is defined, anything that manifests in reality could be supernatural until we have a scientific understanding of it, but we can't definitively state that any manifestation of something is supernatural because we are unable to rule out the possibility of future scientific discovery. The supernatural is a label for what can't be understood, not a label for what we don't understand.

Side: No
1 point

Quantum mechanics changes energy into matter and vice-versa all the time. It is my understanding that god is infinite, however, the universe is not infinite and therefore cannot be god.

Side: No
0 points

God is the creator of the universe .

Side: No

No. I am not a pantheist. I ha no problem wit you if you are. i have included a link that tells you or anyone else what pantheism is.

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Side: No