
Gaytruth's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Gaytruth's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Exactly. Im so enraged right now, my blood pressure is through the roof. They claim to be about love and then contradict themselves.

What is wrong do you not follow the bible?

0 points

I have seen quite a few pages of this site before and each time it was nothing more than the crazed, ignorant ramblings of a religious zealot.

What is wrong with it woman should submit to their husbands

1 point

My analysis: this is def about rape. Anyone who knows anything knows that. The part where the man seizes the woman is about rape, even though that Baptist pastor's wife lies and says that it is not. I was so mad when I found this. This is complete victim blaming sexist anti woman proslavery crap, and it should not be in the Bible. I would not obey this under any situation. I mean how romantic is it (satire) to be raped and then forced to marry the rapist being his or her hostage for the rest of your life and watching the kids get raped too? Not at all, I say. This is slavery. There is no way around that, and I want God to do some explaining.

He had to pay 50 shackles the bible doesn't just allow the rape.

2 points

It is true I would recommend anyone who has a child who is or know someone who is gay I highly recommend you go to one.

1 point

No it does not. There are many different types of dance. Dancing is very spiritual and meditative for me, and Im not going to stop dancing unless I lose my ability.

My point is a lot of music is lustful and sinful

1 point

I call dibs on your stuff when you get raptured.

Can't you stop trying to troll me it is getting old....

1 point

This is ridiculous, Obama can't get anything done. How is he supposed to pull off all that with less than a full term in office after spending over a full term not getting anywhere close to that?

When the rapture happens people will panic and they will turn to the government and who is the leader of the United States...... That's right Barack Obama all the world's religion will unite to serve Obama expect one..... True Christianity

1 point

Why are you debating for the "Yes" side of the debate when you are Religious yourself?

Whoops picked the wrong side thank you :)

1 point

Just because he says he is just doesn't mean he is. Homosexual relations are not worthy of punishment. If two people who consent on doing them do them then they are not harming anybody. You have no right to try and stop them from doing that because it does not affect you or anyone other than themselves.

God knows what is best

I know but regardless it is still taking belonging of another human being against their will

and still immoral.

So you hate community service for crimes? or to pay off debts (a job)

Well then there is clearly something wrong with you. Children (or even anyone) never deserve to be killed apart from if they have done something seriously bad like killing some one themselves. Especially not in such an inhumane way.

That was for extreme cases not just a single slip of the mouth

1 point

If you have same sex relations you should be killed for it

Why is that bad as God is a just God and punishes sin

If you don't believe in it you get sent to Hell for an eternity

Doesn't evil deserve to be punished?

Slavery is OK

Slavery back then was different then the 1800s plantation slavery

Disobedient children should be stoned to death.

I'm a teenager and I have no problem with that verse

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

That still fails to tell me how it effects him.... I don't think you're understanding at all.

God says what is Good and evil

2 points

You are a troll.... you're ignorant user name says it all

Actually no I am not

2 points

I already answered that troll... never, duh.

Again I am not a troll....

Ok thanks for clarifying

1 point

A very fair response. Fanaticism is a negative.

He didn't say Fanaticism he said religion

1 point

No people should just recognise that what they believe in is immoral.

That's what I thought what you meant and what in Christianity is immoral?

1 point

I'm not making fun of you. I'm being just as serious as you are. I'm concerned for your soul. If Obama turns you gay you'll end up going to hell. I'm just trying to help you out.

I know it's a joke and two mind control is impossible we have free choice.

Try to Troll me it's not working

0 points

I think be people should be allowed to be Religious but it should be looked down up on.

Like they should be bullyed?

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

Just wanted to let you know I still have a few more of these hats for sale, but they are selling fast. So don't wait too long or you might miss out and end up being turned gay when Obama finishes his machine that will turn everyone gay. Order today and I'll include a free penis taser. Just attach it to your penis and any time you think gay thoughts it will shock you and prevent you from becoming gay.

Our you seriously going to argue or just make fun of people who disagree with you

0 points

Uhhh... he'll probably come back around the same time as Elvis.

On a serious note when do you think he is coming back?

1 point

Go away Jc. You're boring.

I am just giving one possible explanation for what the end times might be.

1 point

1. I am not a troll

2. There is plenty evidence of Creation

Did you know that evolution can only occur in small stages and not in macro as information must be added.

Did you know that Jesus fulfilled all of the prophecies in the old testament?

1 point

The anti-Christ Obama will lead to a One World Government and a One World Currency, and a One World Religion worshiping Obama with the false prophet leading it and people building Golden statues of Obama and worshiping him at his feet. There will be 2 religions Obama-ism and Christianity soon there will be no fence sitters all Atheists,Buddhist,Hindus,Catholics,Adulteress,Prostitutes,Liars,and other people will go and worship the Anti-Christ's Obama feet. Obama has already started to attack Christianity at it's core marriage and it will soon spread so that Christians Will be round up like the Jewish people in the Holocaust. There will be many Christian Martyrs in the Tribulation. It will be horrifying and sad. I pray that as many Atheists will convert as soon as possible so they will not become worshipers of the anti-Christ Obama. The book of Revelation is probably just about going to happen ladies and gentlemen. Could we see the returns of the Nephilim of Genesis 6:1-4? Could it have some link to Frankenfood Genetically Modified Organisms? This is very scary stuff ladies and gentlemen. The globalist are coming for our guns already. Do not be fooled they want our guns so they can control the people. Likely gun control is the first step of the plan that has gone on for many centuries. Pretty soon Obama will be censoring free speech as he has already spied on our computers. Again very scary stuff...... But we have peace in our hearts knowing that we our protected by Jesus.

0 points

Because it's fiction.

No it is not there is plenty of evidence for the bible

1 point

Uhhhh... the Bible is not a legit source for an argument.

Why isn't it?

1 point

why exactly? O.o

Most dancing is extremely sinful and leads to lust please read Matthew 5:28

1 point

No it is not. There is nothing wrong with dancing. .

Most dancing focuses on sex which leads to lust read Matthew 5:28

0 points

Save it troll... no one cares about your Bible verses.

How is giving bible verses trolling?

1 point

How are people taking this seriously? Why is he on the news talking about fairy tales and magical prophecies? Switch to Disney channel at least their bullshit has a lighter edge.

What does the bible have to do about fairy tales?

Notice when he starts talking(spewing shit), he doesn't admit that he knows for certain that some shit will happen, he just says we believe that it is right around that time. He's full of shit, and it hurts to see people fall for it.

Why don't we stop praying for those people and actually do something for them?

The bible says no one knows the day and the hour but it does seem like the end is near

He couldn't say when or what was going to happen.

Again because the bible says no one knows

An hour of shit I'm sure. I'm not watching all of that because what the other videos told me is that these powerful Christians, use cold read prophecies and people's fear of things they don't understand to pull people into their congregation and milk them for every cent making them loyal followers with no mind of their own.

I have no issue with religion, as hard as it may be to believe that based off of what I said, but I do have a problem with it taking advantage of people.

They need to stop with the hysteria.

It's the Book of Revelation KJV

1 point

What is the downvote for?????????????????????????????????

1 point

Separation of church and state. The gov has no right to enforce religion on people.

Banning gay marriage is not against the constitution and how is banning it "enforcing religion" besides your a Christian aren't you?

1 point

Should Obama be impeached for covering up Benghazi?

Yes because he lied about Benghazi directly to the American public

1 point


What is so funny? How did you get past the 50 character limit?

3 points

All gods (3500 of them) originates in fairy tales, all of them, no exception.

Debunk Christianity then!

0 points

There is no Good reason to. Should we ban Golf and Swimming also? I hate dancing but that doesn't mean other people who like it shouldn't do it.

Most dancing is lustful and sinful

0 points

Maybe in your lala land :D

Are you actually going to argue or just use personal attacks?

0 points

It is up to the couple if they want to get married, not you. Just because some ridiculous Ancient book has a load of messed up homophobic verses isn't a good enough reason against Gay marriage.

How is it ridiculous?

1 point

I believe that there are some (mental) institutions that could help you.

Trolling? This is being debated about on the USA's most watched news station Fox News a respectable site so this isn't just the views of a few crazy people....

I care about you....

1 point

I've been waiting for a while now. I assume everybody has. The events in Revelation have yet to happen, so until that happens its like a no show.

And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

-2 Peter 3:4-6

0 points

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

-Revelation 1:7

1 point

Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

-Revelation 13:16-18

1 point

I suggest all non-Christians get saved while they can..... The end times are coming soon and a One World Government is coming serving the Antichrist possibly with Obama as the Anti-Christ and the whore of Babylon leader Pope Francis who will form a one world currency and a one world religion. The atheists will worship at the Antichrists' feet as he performs miracles in their sight. Become saved now!

1 point

All their suicide bombers and child molesting priests, witchhunting, burning people for saying that Earth isn't flat...etc :D :D

Which Christianity condemns and actually that is called the flat earth myth most people in the middle ages believed the earth was Round

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

Okay, but how does that effect him?

I understand that you believe he opposes it, but how does it effect him?

Also, how is homosexuality evil? And don't quote me bible versus, just tell me, how is it evil?

What God supports is good and what he opposes is bad

1 point

Oh I doooo hope this is a joke.. If so:

GTFO my debate ya damn dirty ape!

That made me laugh :)

1 point

It's a sin to convert? Oh my...

You've still not answered my question. HOW does gay marriage effect god? Does it hurt god? And feelings don't count.

No it is not a sin to convert

God is righteous and homosexuality is evil so he opposes it

1 point

I know that. But you are saying it should be illegal because of that.

Yes it should like adultery,pornography,abortion, and a lot of other evils that our nation has tolerated for so long. Christians don't hate gays we just think they shouldn't be married.

1 point

Based off this I do not think you understand how scientific theories are held, or even what they are.

A theory is like someones opinion it is my theory that the earth is square but should we teach it?? Noooooo

1 point

This is just militant atheist bitching. What does it matter that their is or their isn't a religious symbol? "They got a statue, I want a statue!" That's what he sounds like.

I assume next he wants an official atheist symbol to be recognized uniting all his fellow militant atheists to fight for their right to bitch about being offended.

Hit it right on that head!

1 point

Again more proof of Atheists harming religious freedom..............................

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

The problem is not everyone agrees on what is evil. Many Christians think it's evil to practice homosexuality. Many gay rights activists think it's evil to discriminate against gays. Many Muslims think it's evil for women to not wear a burka. Obviously we can't punish people for everything that some group thinks is evil. Not all issues have a simple black and white solution. Opposing gay marriage isn't a crime. Even if it were, the purpose of punishment is to discourage the bad behavior and rehabilitate the offender. Don't you think someone would be more receptive to an opposing view if its presented in a friendly manner instead of via anger and hatred. People respond to aggression by putting up walls and tuning the other person out.

Hate has it's place, but when determining whether or not to hate someone you need to look at the intentions behind their actions. For example, many of the people who oppose gay marriage have good intentions. They think they are protecting society from something that is harmful. So even though I disagree with their conclusions I don't hate them because they have good, albeit ill informed, intentions.

On the other hand, if someones intentions are just to be a dick, like you, who go on down-voting sprees just to be a troll, then hate is justified. However, despite it being justified, feeling hatred towards you doesn't do me any good. Hating you would just make me feel upset, so why would I do that to myself? Instead of hating you I feel bad for you, because you must have a really sad life if the only thing you can do to make yourself feel good is to try to tear others down. I feel sympathy for you because you're most likely depressed and miserable and don't have many friends because you haven't learned how to be nice. I hope you realize before it's too late that if you don't make some changes in your life, everyone will eventually abandon you and you will die alone and miserable. I hope it doesn't come to that.

If you want to continue to try and troll me, go for it. It doesn't bother me. It doesn't anger me. It just makes me feel pity for you.

For my first point I am not trolling

For my second point is that God is the ultimate judge not humans

0 points

Bye :) Hope you loved Createdebate when are you coming back?

1 point

You don't deserve to have that meme as a profile picture...

God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

0 points

So you are saying we should pass laws based on the christian doctrine and not for secular reasons. In a country that has is supposed to allow freedom of religion I find this problematic.

You first need to strong arm all the people to your way, or convince them your way is better. Probably easier to strong arm them instead of convince them especially with your tactics. I mean I doubt anyone could convince you another religion is the true one, you have the same issue the other way.

If strong arming others seems too harsh (which it many would say it is) then you need to find secular reasons to make gay marriage illegal. But we both know no professional peer reviewed organizations back your position. Only groups with religious aims support you and their claims seem to fall apart under scrutiny.

Oh, and if you are going to mix old testament and new testament it makes your position look weaker as you do not use other old testament teachings. It is like padding your citations.

My point is homosexuality is condemned from Genesis to Revelation

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

So what if God does believe it's wicked? That still doesn't tell me how it effects God. If god has a problem with it then that's God's personal problem That doesn't mean his followers have a right to tell other people that their love is wrong, or that they're going to hell.

The Christian god does? Well by golly then, I guess I need to convert right now.

It's a sin

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

How does anyone believing that it's Wicked effect God?

God believes it's wicked

... I understand that your god is the Christian God, but I was referring to the fact that there's no proof of your god or any god really. I wouldn't be able to pick one if someone forced me to with all the dang choices. I mean, have you ever researched religions? There's a ridonkulous amount.

The Christian God has evidence

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

How so? How does it effect God that two people love each other and want to get married?

It is wickedness

Also, that brings up the discussion of which God, if any?


-1 points

Let's all listen to one religious book and base our laws off of that, regardless of any other beliefs that may exist, especially when regarding something that has little to no effect on anyone but those directly involved. That makes sense.

Lets all listen to one scientific theory and base our laws to teach that the earth is round. That doesn't make sense

1 point

I don't see how two other people getting married effects anyone else. So no, gay marriage shouldn't be illegal. Let love.

It effects God

1 point

Wow the Fox News anchor is a smart-cookie ;) Debunking atheists like that......

0 points

Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Jude 1:7 and Romans 1:26, Etc

Strongly condemn gay marriage.

1 point

A Christian Theocracy........................................................................

1 point

No. I think it was just a man who found a woman attractive and was struggling with his personal morals on wanting to act on the attraction. Something that is completely normal, something that everyone struggles with.

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

- Matthew 5:28

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

I did downvote you, because you failed to make a real explanation, you just said that it was perverted. Why is it perverted?

Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1, Jude 1:7, etc

1 point

It doesn't matter if God actually made such a request or not. The fact is, you've admitted twice you'd heed it if such a issue was placed, which, is awful. I could care less if you change religion, Srom; just stop acting like Christianity is infallible, because it's not.

Why would you disobey God?

0 points

I don't hate god, I hate everybody who believes in god. Why? I don't know... I think I have such a deep hatred towards theists because in my past I've been wronged by people who were theists. Perhaps in the back of my head I have the conclusion that if those people weren't theists, they wouldn't have wronged me. I just... I just really don't know.

You hate them?

1 point

Disney in my opinion should apologize and whoever put that in should resign!

1 point

Now my thoughts that are more relevant is that if it's true that he's gay, then way to go Disney. Raise that awareness. We do need to teach our youth that their is nothing wrong with homosexuality, before their parent's instill in them the hate they've harbored for maybe ten generations.

How is nothing wrong?

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

Not to mention you've also downvoted without much of an explanation.

I disagree

1 point

Basically? lol That one was a little more obvious I believe. Though you can't blame him, Esmeralda is pretty attractive. ;)

Do you think it was messed up?

1 point

Perhaps because you said that homosexuality is perverted. And not everyone agrees with you.

I'm just saying that no one responded.... Was it you?

0 points

This is disgusting on so many levels...............................................

1 point

Interesting... do any of you guys remember this song from The Hunchback of Notre Dame? The guy is basically singing about his lust for the gypsy woman.

That's messed up....

1 point

Would someone care to know why I got downvoted for no apparent reason?

1 point

Even though the way many Christians treat gays is very upsetting, fighting hate with hate only breeds more hate. You'll never win someone over with hatred. If we want to convince Christians to stop persecuting gays we need to teach them compassion. We need to help them understand what it's like to be in the shoes of a gay person. We need to show them that the life of a gay person is nearly identical to that of a straight person. The only real difference is that their genitalia just happen to be the same shape. The fight against gay marriage is like telling a couple they can't get married because they both have the same hair color.

Three of the greatest joys in life are falling in love, getting married, and raising a family. To deny someone those things simply because they have matching genitalia is cruel and shows a lack of compassion. So, if we want to teach Christians compassion we need to show them compassion. None of us are perfect. We all do stupid things. So don't meet their hate with hate. Try to show them the error in their ways, but do it with love, not hate.

“Hate hurts the hater more than the hated.” - Madeleine L'Engle

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

“If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate.” - C. JoyBell C.

How so? Dosen't evil deserve to be punished?

-1 points

Disney perverting morals again............................................................

1 point

I could perform gay or straight acts if I wanted to, that is a choice. It's whether I enjoy them or not that I don't have a choice in. And gay acts appeal to me, straight ones don't. It's like choosing to enjoy pain or not- you don't get that choice.

My point is performing gay acts is a choice

1 point

I am gay so I can judge on this matter.

How is it not a choice too not perform gay acts? I could perform straight acts but I choose not too.

1 point

So gays can't judge, but you can? .

I am saying I am can judge as I am not a hypocrite Jesus was talking about hypocrites in Matthew 7:1 and verses that were brought up as that

1 point

Let He who is without sin cast the first stone. -Jesus .

I am not gay so I can judge on this matter

1 point

No it isn't. I did not choose to be bisexual.

It is a choice to act upon those feelings

1 point

I think we should strive to identify the killer and then let nature take its course ;)

So we give him 30 years to live? Seems kinda of short compared to Norway?

Michael Moore Visits Norway Prison
1 point

Can we all agree that there should not be any laws banning abortions?

That is like saying we shouldn't stop murderers because God will deal with them

1 point

How do we know you weren't up voting your side with an alternate account? ;)

Do I smell a conspiracy?

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

Of course they were. So was the government. Obama is really gay and so is the entire senate and house of representatives. In fact, they're manufacturing a mind control machine that's going to turn the whole world gay. You really need to get one of these hats to protect you from it before it's too late. I can sell you one for $199.99. The cat version is only $149.99. If you order now I'll throw in a free butt plug. Just insert it into your butt and the gays won't be able to sodomize you.

Btw I can't message you?

1 point

Aren't people who speak against Christians the real bigots?

1 point

Not Pac-MAN?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Why should your Bible-humping bigot beliefs be respected?

The bible is God's Word

-1 points

can we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

This would reduce the percentage of sinners

1 point

an we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

If there is one we should get rid of it

0 points

An overwhelming number of people disagree with you. That isn't part of this debate, check out this debate

Actually that is not true most people on the debate you gave me said it was a choice and Americans are divided about 51 percent against it being a choice with 49 percent being it for. The majority wins and even if it didn't God is the ultimate judge

1 point

You have yet to convince me of that. Your own source is not certain when the Book of Job was written. If we cannot establish that it was written before sixth century, we cannot rule out that it may have been influenced by Hellenistic philosophy. And that is all operating under the assumption that Job was describing a spherical Earth and not a disc-shaped one, which you have yet to challenge. You have also not responded to any of my prior questions and assertions regarding the viability of 7 day creation or the flood.

So at this point, all you have established to me is that you believe it is the Word of God, but not any reason why somebody who doesn't already believe that should.

2 points

It's an idea whose time has come ;)

1. It is not genetic

-1 points

can we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

Being gay is a choice

1 point

Did you happen to note that the Book of Job, the one that we are discussing, had a question mark next to it? This is a strange way of trying to support your claims...

It's all God's Word

Gaytruth(38) Clarified
1 point

Also, although scholars debate the ages of all of the books of the Bible, a number of scholars have dated Job between 7th-4th century bc, with 6th century bc being the most common (these estimates generally being based on linguistic analysis).

Actually here is a list of when the bible was made

1 point

If it was true it would have been proven in clinical studies by people with no agenda, unlike the site you directed me to as you have no unbiased source you cannot support your argument making it irrelevant.

Every source has a agenda

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