
Gibby_Prime's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Gibby_Prime's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Why is my computer sending this reply, it must have chose to right?

Computers aren't humans. Computers are programmed, humans are not. Humans make choices, computers don't.

1 point

Am I serious that things cannot die before they have been born?

Hmm, I guess you are serious then...

Are you autistic?


Obviously you are so reprehensibly stupid that you do not understand what cause and effect is.

Obviously you haven't done any research, let alone have any common sense. Let me lay it out for you. A fetus is a living human being inside of the mother's womb. During its life inside the womb, it is developing into a baby. While it's developing, it is gaining nutrients from the mother, developing a beating heart, forming brain activity, etc. When abortion happens, it aborts or "kills" the fetus inside the womb. You can't "kill" something that is not already alive.

0 points

How can you kill something that hasn't been born?

Are you serious? That's what abortion is all about, "killing" the unborn baby. The fetus is inside of the womb, making it not born yet, but it's still alive and developing. Go do some research.

1 point

You're an idiot. Guns don't "defend".

Yes they do. If a murderer tries to kill me, I defend myself with a gun. I don't have to kill them, maybe I can shoot them in the leg or arm and disable them. That is defending yourself by using a gun.

1 point

It Is Impossible For Any Intelligent Person To Take American Conservatives Seriously

But aren't y'all the ones who say that there are more than two genders, aborting fetuses is okay, and that guns should be taken away? I'm also sure you guys call us bigots and racists for no reason, and that illegals should come into the U.S.

Gibby_Prime(37) Clarified
1 point

The liberal definition is that guns kill people ;)

People kill people.

2 points

Idiocy is right wing. Intelligence is left wing.


1 point

I'll admit that the article I put was wrong because the person who wrote it was talking about race. But, it's not just a religion because you can be ethnically Jewish. Do you at least agree with this statement?

0 points

There is not, nor has there ever been, a Jewish race.

You can be both ethnically Jewish and part of the Jewish religion.

1 point

Do You Agree That No Conservative Should Be Spared?

No, I don't think anyone should not be spared.

1 point

It isn't wrong. I've told you this already.

No, you're still wrong. Trump's immigration policy is not like the Holocaust.

But the story begins by saying "Except for the genocide", and so far the genocide is the only thing you have mentioned.

If by story you mean the article he put up, then no, it does not say "Except for the genocide," anywhere. If you're referring to some other story, why bring it up here and now? Anyway, if you look at the title of the debate, it says "Yes, Trump's Immigration Policy Is Just Like the Holocaust." It mentions the holocaust and nothing else, and that's what we're talking about.

No, not all of them were innocent. Many of them were other Nazis.

I've been looking through articles and none of them say that Nazis killed other Nazis. As far as I know, millions died, not just Jews. Other kinds of people like the disabled and Soviet civilians were killed. If you have a source that says that Nazis killed other Nazis, then post it so I can see it.

0 points

All of them. The monotheistic religions especially.

Can you explain why?

-1 points

Republicans always cry about the corrupt media while listening to the corrupt media.

Oh they don't cry about it. They just say how messed up the liberal media really is. The liberal media is on the same side as you are though (Democratic).

1 point



And neither did Hitler during his first term. All the stuff you mentioned came later, after he had desensitised the people to their suffering.

But we're talking about the holocaust. During the holocaust, Jews were tortured, and were killed. With Trump's immigration policy, no one is getting beaten to death.

The people Hitler killed broke Hitler's rules.

The people that were killed by the Nazis were innocent people. Many of them were Jewish. They were put in concentration camps to be tortured and killed. Many innocent children died. Is that really like Trump's immigration policy?

1 point

Yes, Trump's Immigration Policy Is Just Like the Holocaust

Incorrect. Trump is not starving them, beating them, torturing them, working them to death, or murdering them in gas chambers. Besides, they broke the law. If you brake a rule, you get punished. But some families have been reunited.

1 point

Well as for your link, I don't know where it talks about Christians wanting to take away science in school. If you could guide me that'll be fine.

1 point

They lied about who did it, exactly what was done and how much they knew about it beforehand. They also tried really hard to ruin the lives and careers of all the witnesses who contradicted them, and they did the same to the academics and scientists.

I'd like to see the article/source you got this from.

1 point

They want science downgraded to a matter of opinion and equal classtime given to the Biblical version of creation.

How do you know that they just want science to be a matter of opinion? I haven't seen any articles or anything similar that show Christians wanting science to be a matter of opinion, so if you'll give me something I'll go and read it.

1 point

Such as everything.

9/11 is a good starting point. (Almost) everything the right wing said about 9/11 was lies.

Such as what?

1 point

and they want real science out of the schools so they can teach kids that global warming was made up by the Illuminati

And where did you get this idea from? I don't see anyone trying to take science out of schools.

1 point

The right has become a joke in America because everything they say is lies.

Such as what?

1 point

But you still seem to be misinterpreting what he said. What he said wasn't false. 1/3 of the worlds population is Christian, which is big. A lot of people do care what the Bible says.

1 point

Yes he does, satire which is designed to point out how ridiculous it is.

Satire makes everything look ridiculous. You can make a satirical video of evolution, and then point out how evolution is ridiculous.

Because the universe is vast, complex and mysterious...

So because the universe is big and complex, that automatically makes creationism a dumb idea... still doesn't make sense to me.

See cause' when you do that, you don't need to explain how things exist, you can just say the magic invisible space/time monster created it.

But in the origin of evolution, everything just came out of nothing, it was an accident that just so happened to be.

1 point

Well, I've seen the video, and it doesn't really seem like it's really saying why creationism is dumb. But really, you use a video like that to talk about why creationism is dumb? I mean, you could've put something better. Darkmatter just makes satirical videos about Christianity. But I want to hear your take of why creationism is dumb. Is it illogical, confusing, or is it just not compatible with evolution?

1 point

I'm not interested in your nostalgic anecdotes either.

Ok, your point?

Still not interested.

Still, your point?

So you are making the website cancerous

I'm not.

You were making personal attacks instead of using the site for its intended purpose of debate.

Actually, I was just responding to what this debate was about. I don't really make personal attacks, but I was just calling out two guys. But isn't that what you do? Constantly attack people? I just simply mentioned how these two individuals were kind of ruining the site. You act like you don't attack others, but you do. And you just got really offended because I mentioned how these guys are not good for the site.

Then you had the audacity to suggest other people were the ones making it cancerous.

You have the audacity to call people stupid.... :/

So yeah, we can just go right ahead and ignore the fuck out of your opinion.

Yes, and we can ignore yours too.

Gibby_Prime(37) Clarified
1 point

I was actually wondering who Gibby was an alt of though. Now I know.

Actually the account I'm using is my second account. My first is Achilles_. If you think I'm the same person as Mingi then you're wrong.

1 point

Listen here kid, I've debated about several things many times, and I still come to this website, but only to see how cancerous it got. I don't care if you're not interested in my "attacks" I'm just stating what I think is really happening, and if you can't see how bad this site and these people have gotten, then you might want to check twice.

0 points

You've just admitted that although not being on here for 'long enough' you have come to 'know' that

'this site is mainly dominated by men' and 'that everyone here like to talk about him (nom) instead of making good debates'

I just said that I haven't been here as long as most here, but I do know from being on this for about 100 days, there are little to no women here, and people nowadays like to talk about Nom. This site used to be a bit better until people like Conservanazi and Darkwanderer appeared.

Way to trash your gender little guy.

I did not trash my gender. I bet you don't even have a logical explanation for how I did. What does gender even have to do with anything? It's just mainly men in this site because women choose to not go to this particular site. What are you, a feminazi?

1 point

I honestly don't see how us men got "owned." You didn't even really say much. I obviously haven't been on this particular site long enough to know who Nom is, or what he's done, but I just know that everyone here likes to talk about him instead of making good debates, and just debating, without calling anyone else stupid names. Besides, I'm sure no one here likes feminists. Also this site is mainly dominated by men because we're the ones who actually decided on doing stuff here.

1 point

Cool. You aren't heterosexual.

Actually, I am.

Now I'm going to argue that I never said you were gay,

Ok, how does this have anything to do with what we're saying?

That question doesn't make any sense. How are your feet biological, you dumb fucking cunt?

No seriously, how is it biological? Where did it come from?

1 point

Yes he did,

He never said that atheists don't have morals.

It's biological you fucking idiot.

How is it biological? Did we just somehow manage to get it?

1 point

Atheists don't have morals.

He never said this, where did you even get that idea from?

Morality has got absolutely nothing to do with religion.


1 point

In other words conscious beings can't just pop out of nothing and dream their own reality,

But isn't that what atheists believe? That everything came out of nothing?

1 point

They are mentally ill,


which is why you think they are smart people.

But they are smart. What makes you say that?

They enable you to justify your own insanity to yourself.

How am I insane?

1 point

It's funny you say that, because he is the stupidest and most boring one.

It's funny you say that because you're only stating something with nothing to actually back it up. If you think he's so stupid why don't you go debate him yourself on something?

0 points

you sound just like Mark Dice, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, Stefan Molyneux etc.

Which is good because they're smart people. I especially like Ben, he wins every debate against them liberals.

1 point

Christians have higher abortion rates than non Christians.

Ok then, where's your proof?

1 point

It seems like you are having incredible difficulty following simple English.

I don't, actually.

It doesn't matter if God told you or not.

In your case, if God told you, you would do it. If he didn't, you would've been left with a choice.

What matters is whether you have a choice between left and right.

You do, you can choose to go whichever direction.

If God already knows the outcome, you therefore cannot have a choice between left and right, because you cannot choose whichever answer is unknown to God.

But you're not told to go right. You made that choice, you went right. God did not do anything, he just simply knew what you were going to do before you did. Why's that so hard to understand?

You should type less and read more.

I do plenty of both.

Maybe you wouldn't come across as being so stupid.

Insults won't help you here.

1 point

If God knows you are destined to choose right then you therefore never have the option to choose left.

But God knew you would choose right. Did he tell you? No, and he doesn't tell anyone else. You chose to go right. You weren't programmed like a robot to go right.

God you people are stupid.

Why did you use the word God?

You understand nothing.

But you're the one who doesn't understand that we have free will.

1 point

If I am faced with a decision between left and right and God knows I am destined to choose right I am therefore forbidden to choose left, which takes free will off the table.

But God never tells anyone directly. He just simply knows it. You were never forbidden to choose left. Even if he told you, you could still choose to go left.

I can't choose left so the choice

But you could've. Here's an example. If someone knows what I will do in the future, but without telling me, I will never know for sure. But let's say the person knows that I will get into a car crash and get injured. Certain events will then lead me to the car crash. I had no idea what was going to happen in the future, but the person did. Me, having free will, chose to go through certain events, and make my own decisions that eventually lead to the car crash with me having no idea.

1 point

Yeah. It kinda is though, really.

But you could say the same about atheists (the scientist ones) because they believe in things based on evidence, and everything you know is based on evidence. So you saying that evidence is the same as blind faith would also apply to science/atheism then.

1 point

I said it's a potential / developing human

Developing yes, potential no, since it's already human and we've discussed this.

How's an apple seed not an apple tree when it comes from an apple ?

An apple is a fruit, and within it, it contains apple seeds. The seeds themselves come from apples, making the apple seeds. A seeed is different from a tree. It's still an apple tree because it came from an apple seed, which came directly from the apple. Also because that's the order of the life of a tree. A human however, goes from sperm, to zygote, then fetus, and finally it becomes old enough to be born. It's still a human regardless of what you call it.

If it's legal well legally it's not murder ,

It's only legal because we made it legal. But legal or not legal, it's still murder, the fetus still dies from someone performing the abortion.

I disagree with the rights of American citizens to carry guns

Why? You think we shouldn't be able to protect ourselves?

but it's legal you defend this yet you attack others because they're granted a right you disagree with , that's life isn't it ?

I don't "attack" others as you put it. I'm just simply debating you, and whoever here thinks that murdering babies is a good thing.

Gibby_Prime(37) Clarified
1 point

Ex Con wears one too, but it's part of his DNA.

I'm 1% Jewish but I don't wear a hat.

Are you denying science?


Jew hater.


1 point

Because it has not developed into a human yet.

So when does it become human then? When it gets a central nervous system and is able to feel pain?

I don't get how you think a fetus isn't human. It comes from a human and it looks human. Why does it have to have those qualities in order for it to be considered human?

1 point

Yes it’s a fetus

Yes, a human fetus.

A fetus

I think you misunderstand, I mean what kind of fetus if you say it's not human. Is it an alien?

No , I mea;a potential human being , it’s hardly the finished article

How is it not human if it has human characteristics, and comes from a human?

Because it’s aborted which is not deemed murder

Well, when it's aborted, the fetus' life is ended. How? Well, it gets killed by a person. It's basically legal murder.

I understand it perfectly ,of course it terminates the pregnancy isn’t that what we are talking about ?


1 point

Well you just hit the nail on the head, if it doesn't matter, why wear one?

No, I'm asking you why wearing a hat matters so much to you that you have to do a debate about it? The hat is important to him, because it's part of his religion.

1 point

So you've already admitted to being wrong once...

Yes, I chose a different word, therefore for my entire argument is wrong, wow....

Now posing a reasonable questions is disrespectful?

You were the one calling his hat stupid, as well as bringing religion into it, which for some reason you hate. Is that really a reasonable "question" for you?

Asking the logic and reason behind the kippah/yarmulke is disrespectful?

Of all things why do you ask about the hat? It's part of his religion, I don't know what exactly, but he has the freedom and right to practice his religion however way he wants it. If you really have a problem with religion, what is it?

I think you better check your definition of disrespect

I have, a long time ago, what's your point?

professor kindergarten graduate...

Oh thanks for that title, Mr. Nerd.

1 point

What was the new one ? Our posts are quiet long and it’s hard to keep track

You didn't see it? It should've came up on the "show replies" if you clicked it. If you didn't see it it's probably a glitch.

you seem to think they do it because they can .

Oh you misunderstood, what I said about that was just a question, of course I know that women have their own reasons. I could've easily said something like "Because they're not ready for a kid?"

A potential human being

Technically it's a human being but in the fetal stage. I think you would mean "A potential newborn." But if you still think it's a "potential" human, then what is it really if it's not a human yet?

I’m not and you saying it’s “ murder “ is merely your opinion

Then why does the fetus die?

why do you call it something it’s not ?

I'm not, what I'm saying is true. Abortion kills the fetus, is that so hard to understand?

1 point

Well how am I being 'mean'?

Let's look at the things you just said previously.

"How can you take Ben Shapiro seriously?"

"How can you trust Ben Shapiro to be on the side of reason and logic when he wears a completely stupid hat like that for religious purposes?..."

Maybe not being exactly mean, but definitely disrespectful.

Remember we are not in kindergarten...

Yes, I as well as everyone else on this site knows that we're not in kindergarten.

1 point

How is it reasonable or logical to wear a hat with an 8" diameter?

Are you seriously asking this question? Why does wearing a hat matter? I can be the smartest man in the world and wear a hat. Hats don't hurt anyone's feelings, except for yours apparently.

1 point

Right wingers have a problem..

What problem?

Do they HATE Jews MORE than they love right wingers???

Where did you get this idea?

1 point

Ben Shapiro's kippah/yarmulke destroys his credibility


How can you take Ben Shapiro seriously?

What are you talking about? He's one of the best debaters I know of. Also, he's a very intelligent man.

How can you trust Ben Shapiro to be on the side of reason and logic when he wears a completely stupid hat like that for religious purposes?...

Oh I don't know, maybe because he's actually smart and is good at debating liberals? What do you have against him wearing his hat? Also, have you heard of the first amendment?

1 point

Why are you being so mean?

Why are you being mean to Ben Shapiro?

1 point

Well ok then since for some reason you decided to respond to the same argument again instead of responding to my new one I'll just go along. Also since you're asking for a clear question I'll give you one.

Why do you think it's ok to let a woman get an abortion even if she's not in danger of her health? (I know you already answered this, but I want to hear why letting someone kill a human being is ok) If her health was at risk it would make more sense, but what if her health wasn't? You're basically letting a murder happen, and then say it's ok.

say it was your wife and you didn’t want kids and she went ahead how would you feel ?

Well I wouldn't be the happiest, but my happiness isn't what really matters, it would be raising the kid that matters because I would have a responsibility to take care of.

1 point

I’m not ,

But you accused me of twisting my own words.

why do you have to keep using examples that have no bearing g on the argument,

But they're similar in that certain situation.

What has this got to do with the topic in question ?

What I tried to say ask in the first place was if a father telling his son what to do tyrannical, since we were talking about how telling a woman what to do is apparently a form of tyranny. But, is it still tyranny if the father is trying to help his son out?

If you see it that way stop using it

Well twisting words isn't really much of an argument.

Bet you don’t tell any women in the real world

they’re “ridiculous “ ,why’s that ? Claiming others are ridiculous is not an argument

I never said that women are ridiculous, I called your idea of "Telling women to not kill her baby is tyrannical" ridiculous. Again, twisting my words, and as usual not an argument.

Yes I know who you are , incidentally why are you still trying to convince of something I don’t accept ?

Because that's what debating is about. I try to get others to see what is right. But hey if killing babies is something you like so be it.

I’ve no desire to convince you of my position it matters not to me that you hold different views

Ok so we have different views that no of us will ever change, end of story I guess.

But you still didn't answer that last question I asked... If you don't want to answer it, fine. If you do, I would appreciate it. If you want to continue the argument, that's fine too, but as you would put it, we won't change each other's mind.

1 point

What you call psychopathy is actually the correct way to look at the world.

Not necessarily. Corrupt and divided is the way it really is. Besides, not all of the world is full of people with mental disorders.

Human morality is nothing but a superstitious belief and truth, progress, protecting the ecosystem and scientific/technological advancement is more important than the lives of the humans who work against those things.

But morality is what helped us and kept us going. People helping others, being kind and respectful, and not murdering each other is what helped us move along. Of course progress and technology also helped us to get to where we are. But human lives are important.

1 point

I’m demonstrating how bizarre your argument is as in your police scenario which has no revelance to the argument at hand

What I asked in the cop scenario was if the driver shouldn't give his/her license because a stranger can't tell him/her what to do. That would be similar to a stranger telling a woman she shouldn't kill the fetus. But what you did was say something completely different and avoided the question.

you’re the one doing the twisting using it and thus twisting the argument to favour you ,

I was the one that came up with the original example in question form. Then you didn't answer the question, instead you said "It's the job of the police to enforce the law are they stopping random women and arresting them for planning abortions now?" I expected a yes or no answer with an explanation, but you said something completely different. You're trying to accuse me of something I didn't do.

Yes , if the son is an adult and living his own life it’s none of the fathers business

Well I was referring to like a 10 year old, but what if the father is trying to help out his son? What if the son is doing something wrong? Should the father not help and let him fail?

No , I’m using your cop argument against you , so maybe stop using it ?

No, all you're doing is taking what I said and giving it a whole new meaning. I never said that cops arrest women for aborting fetuses. What I said about the cop was its own example and not having anything to do with abortion, then you brought up cops arresting women for aborting.

Choosing to abort is not tyrannical ,

What you're basically saying is that it's cruel to tell a woman to not kill her baby, which is a ridiculous idea.

How so ?

By not answering the question.

Well it would be helpful if we had the original because I can only comment fairly if I see such , you seem to have a suddenly remarkable memory for this part of our debate yet the other day you couldn’t remember either way .

Well I had to go to your arguments from like 95 days ago because you were the one who said "No I don't" and it took a while. Not sure if you know this but I had my other account when we were debating about the exact same topic except 100 days ago.

You do not believe all human life is important do you hold others life’s as important as your own or is your life more important?

My life isn't anymore important than yours, or anyone else's, except maybe when they're like the prime minister, member of government, president, you get the idea. But my point is that human life IS important. I mean, if we weren't we'd just be like all the rest of the animals in the animal kingdom. Not saying other animals are useless, but I think you get the idea. It's not worth killing anyone, really. But the world isn't perfect, and there will be people murdering others, and no one can stop it, unless in the future we had a civilized country. You as well as I know that neither of our opinions will change. I may not have told you this but if the mother's life is in danger, I would want her life to be saved. It's sad to kill the baby just because the would kill the mother, but that baby could've had a life, a good life for it. I also get that overpopulation is a thing, but I don't think going all out Thanos is the solution.

Also of course I’m in favour of life in general

Ok, if there was of woman, 28, healthy, and able to give birth to a baby without any problems, but she just wasn't ready to have a kid, or just wasn't comfortable with the idea of having one, and wanted to have an abortion, would you let her still have that abortion? Let's also say this woman was your wife, and you wanted a child.

1 point

It's the job of the police to enforce the law are they stopping random women and arresting them for planning abortions now ?

Why do you keep twisting my words?

You claim you have the right to condem them and tell them what they can do , that's tyranny

I never said that I have the right to tell women what they can do. I said that I could, not that I want to. If a father told his son to do something which the son didn't like, is that tyranny?

So going on your " logic " cops now stop women and tell them they're breaking the law and arrest them for aborting ?

Your point is absurd

Again, you're twisting my words. You're always interpreting things wrong.


Explain why it's not hypocrisy.

Your words not mine

You continue to avoid the question.

Which is why I still keep giving direct answers , do keep up

But you're not.

I never said that

Ok, so what I asked before was, "You think that life isn't valuable?"

Apparently I realized that I asked you a different question. The question I asked you about a few months ago was, "Don't you think that all human life is important?" And your answer was "No I don't" The questions were similar, so that's why asked the question in the first place of whether you were in favor of life in general, and when you said you never said that, I was saying that you did.

0 points

Saying that if you disagree with any of the points you made and having to get exterminated makes you a real psychopath. You're the one who needs help.

1 point

Aborting a fetus is not anywhere near equivalent to killing a man.

Not anywhere near? Hmm, well they both are human, and they both are alive, but one's a fetus and one's an adult, and guess what, they both still die. A fetus gets mutilated and is then killed, a man is either shot/stabbed in the heart, still, he dies.

And the difference has nothing to do with age.

But a fetus is the young and undeveloped version of an adult human. Basically everyone else that is "developed" is considered to have human rights, and we are the teens/adults/elders, not fetuses.

The difference lies in being a developed human-being.

Oh so development restricts a fetus of it's right to life?

A fetus has the potential of becoming a person, but it is not.

But it's a human being, and it is technically an individual, the fetus is separate from the mother, but the umbilical cord is what gives nutrients to the fetus. It's not fused with another being or anything.

A fetus does not have a developed brain or nervous system until late 2nd trimester, therefore is incapable of feeling pain, emotion, thoughts. To compare that to killing a man is a false equivalency.

So if a man is unconscious, can I stab him?

I can also understand why someone would.

Even if the woman does not want the baby, can she still allow for its death? Even if the woman is not at all in harm of it?

1 point

Do you normally tell complete strangers what they can do ?

No not usually, but you can. If you're driving and you break the speed limit, then a cop pulls you over and asks the driver for his/her license, should the driver refuse because the cop can't tell a stranger what to do?

Saying it's "bad " is merely your opinion

I'm pretty much saying what you said since you said it was tyrannical if you deny a woman access to abortion. So you saying that is merely your opinion then, eh?

I dont think women deem themselves tyrannical , but you do as you seem to believe you have a right to dictate to them

Did I say that exactly?



So that's the reason women abort because they can ....Wow

How about you answer the question instead of making your own interpretations?

Incorrect , that's you attempting to tell me what you " think " I'm saying whilst failing to acknowledge what I actually said

I first asked if you can abort the fetus even if the woman is NOT in danger of her health, and you said yes. So by saying that, you're implying that you can abort the fetus for whatever reason, even if it's not because it's a risk to the woman's health. What I asked was just one of the reasons that a woman can abort the fetus. The one where I asked if the woman can kill the baby just because she can. Then you didn't even answer the question and instead avoided it by saying something completely different. If I just so happened to fail to acknowledge what you said, then make yourself clearer for a change.

Did I indeed ? Proof would be good please

It was in one of our long debates about abortion. But it doesn't really matter because it's not part of the debate. Either you said that or someone else did, I can't remember exactly, but it was definitely in an abortion debate we had months ago.

2 points

Spoons are a thing of humans. Spoons are quite useful in some situations and are pretty reliable. They are made from silver and stainless steel which is cool. When I was little I took a spoon from one of my friends from their kitchen, and I bent it thinking that I was strong, lol. Spoons are a really nice invention and I'm glad that they were made, for without them this world would perish.

1 point

Because you're dictating to a woman what she may and do with her body

So it's bad if you tell a woman that she shouldn't get an abortion because it will kill the fetus, but it's perfectly fine and NOT tyrannical when you abort the fetus? Sounds like hypocrisy.

Yes , certainly

So you can just kill the baby because you can? Because that's what you're implying.

No , I'm saying the rights of the living trump any supposed rights of the unborn

But the fetus is still living.

Never said that

You said something like that once before.

1 point

So you're saying that before that time the fetus is dead? Brain activity at this stage is no more than a precondition, it doesn't demonstrate that the foetus is actually 'conscious'.

1 point

My position is that a woman should have the right to make this choice , the reasons for having an abortion is not taken lightly by most and to demonise women making this choice is a form

of tyranny

How is it a form of tyranny?

A fetus is where it is by permission

No one asked permission for a fetus to be where it is.

this can be withdrawn at anytime by the woman ,

Even if the mother's life isn't threatened?

why should any supposed fetal rights supercede those of the woman ?

You're pretty much asking why having the right to life is more important than having the option to kill the fetus, why's that? You think that life isn't valuable?

1 point

It is more dangerous because women will either do it themselves (by drugging themselves, injuring their stomachs etc.) or will go to an illegal doctor that doesn't have proper equipment and will use dangerous methods to abort the baby.

Hmm, so just as I thought then. So do they do it when they know that the baby will be a health risk to themselves, or just because they don't want it and then they'll use methods to stop it from being born? I would rather have the baby be born knowing that it won't cause harm to the mother, instead of the woman deciding that they don't want it and then proceed to abort it.

Heard of coat hanger abortions?

No, actually.

The thing that I would prefer is for there to be better services and procedures for when a woman is pregnant. If it's the case where she doesn't want it, then I would say that the baby should be born first without any sort of trouble, and then be put in the care of other adults. If the woman is in danger of dying, then there should be a surgical procedure where the woman can be saved despite the fetus being killed in the process. But I would like for both to be saved at the same time.

1 point

You're saying that abortion is legal and stuff, which it already is, but the question is asking whether it should or shouldn't be legal in terms of the mother not being in danger of death from the pregnancy.

1 point

Having it illegal does not prevent abortion but only makes it more dangerous leading to the deaths of more than just the fetus.

How does it make it more dangerous? Do you mean as in women not getting access to abortions and then needing to get an alternative for it or something else?

And the problem with putting it up for adoption is that most of the time it won't be adopted.

I understand that that's a problem, but it's much better than being dead.

1 point

Oh really, come on man, this shouldn't even be a debate. Honestly, why is killing a fetus "ok"? A fetus isn't just a sack of meat inside a woman, it's a living human being. Aborting a fetus is the equivalent of killing an innocent man. Why should age difference matter? We all have a right to pursuit life. The only time when a fetus should be aborted is when it is in fact threatening the mother's life, in which the mother would die. But I would rather have both saved instead of just the mother. If we had the technology, I think it would be possible. If my hypothesis is wrong, well, it's wrong, and maybe there is no hope for both mother and child being saved. I get that there are women who are raped, and some managed to get pregnant, but that shouldn't be a reason as to why the mother should allow the child to be aborted. Keep in mind that rape is the smallest cause of abortions compared to other causes such as "I'm not ready for a baby." So basically you can get an abortion just because you don't want it. That to me is absurd. If you don't want a baby and aren't ready for one, just put it up for adoption.

Gibby_Prime(37) Clarified
1 point

Well I was somewhat half right on my first guess when I said the universe. I meant like galaxies/space. Because I read somewhere that galaxies move fast or something like that.

Gibby_Prime(37) Clarified
1 point


Is it Quantum entanglement?

Gibby_Prime(37) Clarified
1 point

Is it negative matter?


1 point

No, no, why can't anyone get this right?

Maybe because it's really hard to distinguish what exactly is faster than the speed of light and for it to have no shape and can also take the shape of whatever. But is this riddle so hard that the answer itself has to do with quantum mechanics or something?

1 point

The universe itself.



Gibby_Prime(37) Clarified
1 point

Oh ok. I thought you were saying something different first, or at least had a different meaning to what you said. But yes, he accepts someone becoming Christian just like a liberal can accept you coming out as gay.

2 points

False. Nazi ideology did not just exist in the 1940s.

But they still existed in the 1940's.

Proving that Trump is the president of the US does not disprove that he is a Nazi.

Oh so you think he's a Nazi or something? Prove it then.

Stop talking fucking shit.

You are mistaken, I'm not.

Are you another bronto clone?

You do you assume that everyone here is Bronto? Like come on man, lay off of it for once and quit complaining. Even if I am Bronto, what's the point you're trying to make here?

1 point

Donald Trump is endorsed by the KKK,


Trump is Nazi.

Nazis existed long ago in the 1940s, now what's left of them is just some old surviving veterans. Trump is the president of the U.S. not a Nazi.

Gibby_Prime(37) Clarified
1 point

God accepts everyone, right?

Accepts everyone into heaven or just accepts them into becoming a Christian?

1 point

Christians ARE FASCIST.

Look up the definition of a fascist first, because you will see that Christians aren't fascists at all.

1 point

That's the equivalent of pink haired big eyed aliens versus beluga whales.

1 point

Nahhh…. If Mexicans break in, they'd wash your dishes, make your bed, and blow your leaves on the way out.

I wasn't referring to just Mexicans, I was talking to people as a whole. It could be anyone though, you might never know who would brake into your house and take your property.

1 point

Oh no! Liberalism has gotten into you too? This can't be happening? Somebody call border patrol!

2 points

No, of course not, how would that be racist? That would be like me saying that I wouldn't want Mexicans jumping the Texas border, illegaly. I don't have a problem with Mexicans, I know some of them from school too. But it's basically like letting someone breaking into your house. That person might not be a murderer, but would you still want that person to be in your house without your consent?

1 point

I know I'm in the Hippo side, but to be honest, I don't know for sure. A Hippo has a much greater bite force than a grizzly, and would easily snap it in half (maybe). But, it's slower than a grizzly and the grizzly also has claws that it can use against the Hippo. But it just seems to me that whoever gets he upper hand wins. There might be some other benefits to each animal as well.

1 point

Right wingers say, if you commit a crime, your children will be taken away.. But.....

When did we say that?

1 point

Maybe you're right, maybe you're not. I am only here to start a discussion/debate about interesting topics.

Cool you seem nice.

Because there is too much likelihood that eventually something will end up killing you even if you have biological immortality but that doesn't mean it's not technically possible.

So what if you don't get killed? I asked because sometimes humans don't get killed, but they do die from old age. Also, will immortality just basically mean that you're immune to diseases and viruses?

The immortal jelly fish for one.

Ah yes, and that one tree in Yellowstone.

It's logically impossible for God to exist because that would mean the most advanced intelligence in the universe literally just spontaneously manifested out of nothingness.

But isn't that what most atheists believe about the universe, that it came from nothing? If the Big Bang was real, then it would've been an expansion instead of an explosion, as scientists say. In order for the universe, or anything to have existed, there would have been nothing before it, so then why did the Big Bang happen in the first place?

When you think about it that way it becomes ridiculous to try and explain order and complexity in the universe by saying "This can't all just come from nothing, so something even more complex and ordered must have come from nothing and created it".

But it seems ridiculous when an accidental explosion suddenly creates something so orderly.

1 point

Plants can feel things and are alive, but they aren't sentient in the literal sense of the word.

Yes, because they aren't like other animals have a mind and can think.

It's more about self awareness, you can "feel" or receive sensory input without being sentient.

Basically if you have a working mind that's able to feel, perceive, and have preferences, then you're sentient.

That is not necessarily true, but who knows.

I can see where you're coming from.

He realized that my other dog doesn't like to be humped and will attack him if he tries it.


They do, a lot of animals are sentient and have everything that we have that makes us sentient except for a more developed frontal lobe. We are more intelligent but not more sentient per se.

So after all we've said you agree that worms are sentient?

1 point

Are you trying to imply that humans are the only sentient animal?

Not exactly. Animals, at last a majority of them, can feel things and are also alive, therefore they are technically sentient. The definition of sentient is "able to perceive or feel things." They are aware that they are being touched, or are touching something. But, other animals cannot perceive things like we do. They don't question their own reality, come to realizations, etc. Of course there are some intelligent animals, but I don't if they could have the ability to perceive things. Maybe some very intelligent apes could, I don't know.

1 point

That's what they said about landing on the moon and flight, this kind of statement is useless unless supported by the laws of physics.

Building a rocket and going to space is one thing, but having ever lasting life is another. We will always die no matter what we do.

The laws of physics in no way prevent biological immortality,

Then why do living things always die?

in fact some species already naturally posses it.

Which ones?

I agree, gods don't exist.

That's your opinion, but they way you interpreted my statement was different.

1 point

Well, worms are alive, they breath, the move around and can feel things. They're pretty much like other animals in that sense. However, they're not like humans. I'm pretty sure I don't need to go through this considering you guys should know how they're not like humans. The definition of sentient is, "able to perceive or feel things." They can't really perceive things, at least I don't think they can, but they can feel things. They also have a working brain.

1 point

No, I wouldn't think so. It would just seem impossible for humans to accomplish a task like that. We can only live to about 120 years, but very few people can even get to that age. You would just have to be extremely lucky. I don't know what science has to say though. Maybe they can come up with ideas, but apart from that I would just say no. Humans cannot become God.

1 point

If there were no religion, I'd replace the word evil, with bad behavior.

But bad bevavior (if you mean murder, theft, rape, etc.) is the result of evil. When you look at the definition of evil, it says, "profoundly immoral and malevolent." So in that case, there's no need to replace the word evil with bad behavior.

Frankly, I haven't seen much good that ANY religion actually DOES.

Is that simply because you haven't seen any of the good religion does, or because you just choose to reject it?

1 point

The word "evil" has religious connotations that I just don't subscribe to.

If we lived in a world where only atheists lived, then what would you say instead of evil having to do with religion?

But, if I did, RELIGION itself, would top my list..

Why? Why do you think that religion is the center of it?

2 points

Are you genuinely unaware that you are more stupid than a slice of cheese?

Are you genuinely unaware that everything you say is stupid? The only champion you're of is Minecraft.

1 point

But you clearly are.

But he clearly isn't so shut up.

2 points

So immigrants are aliens?

Illegal ones, yes.

Really, are you that xenophobic?

No because saying that illegal immigrants are illegal aliens is a true statement.

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