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 What is the root of all evil? (18)

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DarkWanderer(285) pic

What is the root of all evil?

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Jealousy of other peoples' posessions.*

DarkWanderer(285) Clarified
1 point

Jealousy of other peoples' posessions.

It could cause someone to do something evil but that is far from the root of all evil. The only reason you are saying this is for political reasons I'm sure so I don't know if you literally believe that. Jealousy is a potential symptom of evil but it's not the root of evil. Besides, what if you are a starving peasant who is jealous of a fat king eating lamb and drinking wine in front of you while you eat a moldy potato? In that instance jealousy is perfectly healthy.

1 point

It could cause someone to do something evil but that is far from the root of all evil.

You didn't ask for the greatest threat or greatest evil. You asked for the root. The tree and the root aren't the same thing.

The only reason you are saying this is for political reasons I'm sure so I don't know if you literally believe that.


Jealousy is a potential symptom of evil but it's not the root of evil.

Sure it is. You want something, so you kill or steal, or cheat to get it.

Besides, what if you are a starving peasant who is jealous of a fat king eating lamb and drinking wine in front of you while you eat a moldy potato? In that instance jealousy is perfectly healthy.

Not really. In that case you aren't longing for something better than the potato, but rather for excess, in this case leg of lamb and wine.

I got another good question: what IS evil?? I will tell you: evil is that which increases suffering or pain. “Is killing a child molestor evil? Now killing a doctor IS EVIL. Do s killing a child molestor increase or decrease suffering ?

Let me give u a hint: killing a molester definitely REDUCES sufferi

I got another good question: what IS evil?? I will tell you: evil is that which increases suffering or pain. “Is killing a child molestor evil? Now killing a doctor IS EVIL. Do s killing a child molestor increase or decrease suffering ?

Let me give u a hint: killing a molester definitely REDUCES sufferi

I can agree with that.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point


what IS evil?? I will tell you: evil is that which increases suffering or pain. “Is killing a child molestor evil? Now killing a doctor IS EVIL. Do s killing a child molestor increase or decrease suffering ?

Let me give u a hint: killing a molester definitely REDUCES sufferi

That is not a bad start, but what about killing a doctor who molests children?

The problem in judging others is figuring out the balance sheet for the pain people cause vice the pain we relieve and the happiness we cause. Measuring our evil (pain causing) actions against our virtuous (pain relieving) actions in order to validate ourselves or others is unworkable in practice.

We just do not know enough about the ramifications of our own actions, nor do we have a complete picture of other people's actions.

1 point

I would say extremism.

1 point

What is the root of all evil?

Hello D,

The word "evil" has religious connotations that I just don't subscribe to. But, if I did, RELIGION itself, would top my list..


3 points

But, if I did, RELIGION itself, would top my list

Right, because the Marxists and Communists, who are Atheists, are doing one hell of a fine job...

Gibby_Prime(37) Disputed
1 point

The word "evil" has religious connotations that I just don't subscribe to.

If we lived in a world where only atheists lived, then what would you say instead of evil having to do with religion?

But, if I did, RELIGION itself, would top my list..

Why? Why do you think that religion is the center of it?

excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

If we lived in a world where only atheists lived, then what would you say instead of evil having to do with religion?

Why? Why do you think that religion is the center of it?

Hello GB:

If there were no religion, I'd replace the word evil, with bad behavior. And, I have NO idea what the root cause of bad behavior is.

Frankly, I haven't seen much good that ANY religion actually DOES. Most religions FOMENT HATE - not LOVE..


outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

But you are a JEW you Confused Idiot !!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

The Radical American Left if you need any proof would be happy to provide it for you starting with this !

Shall we continue ???????????

Self love.

Mankind has justified many many evils over the centuries purely based on his own selfish desires.

Abortion is the most self consumed example I can give of mankind's love of self and thirst for convenience.

1 point

Differentiated preference.