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1 point

I'd MUCH rather be treated by a doctor who has MY well being at heart, instead of HIS bank account..

Many of the best doctors are natives and foreigners who were drawn here by the financial rewards. You'd end up with a doctor who cares for you emotionally, but is overworked, exhausted, and not the best doctor. You'd just die if it was something serious. So would everyone else.

1 point

IF the money grubbing doctors wanna leave the profession, I say good riddance.

You'd have no one left and way more patients. That's a recipe for disaster, lines a mile long, and a pandemic.

1 point

this great country of ours is STILL the best

So you agree with Trump and the right's vision of America over the left's.

It's the best because there are so many companies to work for and avenues to achieve moderate to high success financially. Your system would erase that. Without the rich, there are no corporations and companies. Without corporations and companies, there are no jobs. Without jobs, we are left with poverty. If we are left with poverty that cannot be escaped, America ceases to be the best.

1 point

They could officially live elsewhere while physically remaining here. There are many ways to get around your example, and many rich Americans have left to live elsewhere. Also, many business owners in the US came from foreign countries, so moving back wouldn't be psychologically difficult.

1 point

Here is what happens if we implemented your logic.

10,000 millionaires left France last year

Exodus of the richest: Wealth tax is forcing 12,000 millionaires PER YEAR out of France, says Prime Minister

Tracking the rich has become a voyeuristic global industry, a form of celebrity worship. But it can also provide serious clues about where countries are headed.

When a country begins to fall into economic and political difficulty, wealthy people are often the first to ship their money to safer havens abroad. The rich don’t always emigrate along with their money, but when they do, it is an even more telling sign of trouble.

Your policies would leave you with less corporations to tax, less wealth to tax, and less employed people to tax. The problem with your model is that eventually there is no one left to tax but a bunch of people in poverty because no wealth or jobs remain.

1 point

It's true, if that woulda happened.. But, it didn't.. Corporations used that money to buyback their stock.

Some corporations did that in part, and many did what I described. They also did not flee the country from overtaxation. You are using "throw the baby out with the bathwater" logic. If some companies buy their own stock, that doesn't mean it didn't work, and it does mean that those companies had incentive to stay in the U.S.

1 point

Physicians are increasingly responding by leaving active medical practice. And many of America’s best and brightest are declining to go into the field.

The statistics from the Physicians Foundation survey are alarming. Of the 8,700 doctors queried, fewer than half say they are satisfied with their jobs. By contrast, 79 percent of American workers give their jobs a thumbs-up.

This low level of job satisfaction among doctors is especially shocking since physicians have traditionally been some of the best-paid, most respected professionals in America.

More than three in four doctors feel burned out. Eighty percent are overworked and overextended, meaning they have little time to take on more patients. Nearly two-thirds are pessimistic about the future of the medical profession. to-quit-health-care/amp/

1 point

You're RIGHT.. I DON'T want the government in charge of my health care..

Then none of the Democrat candidates in the field are a viable option for you.

That's why the ONLY role government has in MY Medicare for all plan, would be to write checks..

And to tax you mercilessly, and also to try to recruit more doctors into a field that's already oversaturated despite high salaries that would vanish in a Socialist system. You'd have way fewer doctors and way more patients.

Look.. This is simple.. When you cover EVERYBODY for EVERYTHING, there's NOTHING left for the government to do..

They would have to raise taxes monumentally on you to cover the costs of a spike in numbers of non-Americans who would come here by the boatloads to get the healthcare you have proposed on this site in the past. They would also have to do crowd control at the massive long waiting lines for the few doctors that wouldn't quit as they are doing already due to government overreach.

Describe your system's plan for when doctors in high quantities decide they don't have to be doctors anymore because the occupation is even tougher than it is now.

1 point

Don't Be Fooled, The Obama Unemployment Rate Is 11%

When Barack Obama entered office in January, 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7%, meaning nearly two-thirds of working age Americans were working or looking for work.

When the recession supposedly officially ended in June, 2009, the labor force participation rate was still 65.7%.

In the latest, much celebrated, unemployment report, the labor force participation rate had plummeted to 63.7%, the most rapid decline in U.S. history. That means that under President Obama nearly 5 million Americans have fled the workforce in hopeless despair.

The trick is that when those 5 million are not counted as in the work force, they are not counted as unemployed either. They may desperately need and want jobs. They may be in poverty, as many undoubtedly are, with America suffering today more people in poverty than in the entire half century the Census Bureau has been counting poverty. But they are not even counted in that 8.3% unemployment rate that Obama and his media cheerleaders were so tirelessly celebrating last week.

1 point

Right NOW, it's Obama's economy and it's ROARING along..

The fallacy with this line of thought is Obama's lowest unemployment numbers by the same standard we get Trump's unemployment numbers was 9.3% unemployment. This comes from the fact that the left wing media holds behind it's back the fact that Obama's numbers came from dropping people who gave up looking for work from the unemployment numbers. Trump's numbers do not do that, and are still lower.

The conclusion is that unemployment has dropped 6% during this Presidency if we include those who have given up searching as still being unemployed. That is a dramatic plunge post Obama and not a steady pattern of decline over a decade.

1 point

He's done NOTHING but give the rich a tax cut which they didn't need..

You are conjecturing based on the idea that corporations getting tax relief does not result in bonuses, raises, and hiring, all of which end in more tax revenue than if you overtaxed the corporation and they left the country or state.

1 point

You just made the perfect argument for why we wouldn't want the government in charge of our healthcare. The great thing about Republicanism is it doesn't just attempt to protect you from those with power on the left.

-3 points
-3 points
-3 points
1 point

The purpose of the Constitution and the electoral college is so that the majority of one region cannot oppress the minority of another region by mob rule. It also negates all of the voter fraud in left wing polling areas, exampled by the fact that leftists cannot easily commit fraud in all 50 states.

And by your logic, in a popular vote, millions of Republicans who don't vote in California and New York, amongst other heavily populated left wing areas, because it's pointless, would then have a reason to vote due to your wishful rules change. The left would lose under either format.

1 point

The Obama recovery is still ROARING along

So the thousand point drop in the DOW is Obama's.

1 point

Your ceaseless wave of fascist propaganda

Fascism is state control, which is the very thing you promote and the Conservative stands against, all while you condemn them for standing against Fascism by definition.

1 point

The Statist, meaning you, veils his pursuits in moral indignation, intoning in high feelings of offense and deep resentment, the injustices and inequities of liberty and life itself, for which only he can provide justice and bring a righteous resolution.

1 point

Unlike communism, however, democratic socialism doesn't dictate what kind of government be set up. Democratic Socialism calls for a democratically elected government.

This is exactly how Communists in Venezuela sold them Communism. The cheese in the mouse trap technique.

-1 points

Democratic Socialism, on the other hand, works WITHIN a capitalist system, leaving the means of production in private hands..

All you did was call Capitalism "Democratic Socialism" to feel better about Capitalism by calling it "Democratic Socialism".

2 points

I think I spotted burritolunch in that mob wrestling for a loaf of bread.

-1 points

with whom your backwards as fuck government seem to do copious business with despite nearly all the 9/11 attackers being from that country, and despite Saudi having probably the worst human rights record in any Islamic state not currently in war

All Western governments pander to the Saudis.

-2 points

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