
LizardKahn's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LizardKahn's arguments, looking across every debate.
LizardKahn(192) Clarified
0 points

Walls do work. A few will find a way over. The rest will not. That means it did its job. If they don't work, why did libs in the past fund fences? A woman with kids is going to get over the wall how?

This is simple.. I'd rather they cross at a SAFE crossing rather than risk their lives getting funneled

Funneled mean forced to go to a legal point of entry.

1 point

Ten are, and one isn't. We have the right to block the ten that are.

1 point

The guy kept voting with the Democrats, going on CNN trashing Republicans, and then got a job with a lib network. Not exactly rocket science.

I listened to conservative hosts predicting him getting a job like this well before Trump.

1 point

No. So why aren't you volunteering them your house and property?

2 points

He has lied about health care. He has lied about tax cuts.

No examples. What a surprise.

1 point

No you're not you lying fundamentalist Jew idiot.

God you're a moron.

Nah nah nah! Youz don't has you own means of the production ins capitalism! 2013/living-lonely/assets/sections/part 3/galleryzach/lonely3zach02_sm.jpg

1 point

Try to understand that time is not a snapshot. It's a rolling video which you don't have the right to arbitrarily pause.

The entire Middle East and North Africa have slaughtered gays and minorities for 1,400 years. Is that slow rolling over time enough for you?

1 point

You said a millenia. You were wrong. Goodbye.

1 point

nobody's been raptured away to the cosmic loony bin so the rest of us can have some god damn peace and quiet.

You give people anything but peace and quiet.

1 point

Because people have been saying that shit for millennia

Can't be true. You said Israel wasn't a nation until 1948, so seeing Israel exists in end times prophecy, they could only possibly have said it since 1948.

1 point

so you will have even less freedom then when the "evil capitalists" were in power.

Looks like you nailed it on the head.

2 points

You need you some Jesus.

2 points

I would want to have a magic wand

Isn't that pretty much the canned, liberal, default response to every political question?

1 point

Tell me, are laws against marijuana moral?

It depends on the law. If the law says an adult can't give it to a toddler who's brain functioning is still developing, then yes.

1 point

You hate yourself more than any one of us.

3 points

And the Jeff Flake elevator screaming victims turned out to be liberal group activist leadership.

Are you really surprised?

3 points

Every time the FBI says they can't give up info for some reason, when it is forced from them, the reason proves to be false.

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